Chapter 15: Night Games

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"How are we suppose to sleep Allura, do we get unchained?" Pidge asked.

"No, you have to find a way to sleep through the night, as well as get into your armor," Allura responded, looking down at the shorter female.

The princess sat down next to Pidge as she was typing away of her laptop.

"What?! No no no no no, no. I am not sleeping with Keith!"

I chuckled.

"Why, I'd love to see it happen. We all secretly ship you two now that we know y'all are soulmates," I said.

Lance shot me a death glare and I just smiled innocently. We all saw Keith look down at the ground and I noticed his cheeks were a light pink.

Does Keith like Lance? Oh, I've got to know!

"Well, we should play a game. Even though we're all chained up, we can still have fun," Lance suggested.

I smiled as we all sat on the ground. Lance, and Keith, ran off to go find a bottle and once they came back, a huge smile was on my face.

Wine bottle, nice.

"How did you find a wine bottle on the castle?"

I looked down, trying to contain my laughter.

"It doesn't matter, let's just play the game," the brown haired teen said.

"Rules," Shiro and I both said.

Lance rolled his eyes at us, then started explaining.

"Okay, so I'll start us out, and whoever the bottle lands on, I have to kiss somehow. Then they have to spin and so on and so on. If the person refuses to give the kiss, then them two have to," he stopped in his tracks, his cocky grin slowly leaving his face.

I noticed his issue on finding a punishment and helped him out 

"They have to tell us one fact about themselves that the have never told anybody else," I said. Everyone just looked at me and Lance. 

"What, it's something, it's better than my original idea of locking them in a closet together. It wouldn't work because we're all chained to someone," Lance said. 

Everyone nodded their head in agreement and Lance started. It landed on Hunk, and Lance reached across the circle and grabbed the yellow paladin's hand and pecked it. I sighed, knowing that this was not going to getting interesting anytime soon. Hunk spun and it landed on Keith. Again with the hand. We all knew that this was platonic until Keith's turn landed on me. 

"I'm making this more interesting," he said while getting on his knees. The black haired boy moved the bottle and kissed my cheek. 

Shiro grabbed my hand as Keith sat back down. 

It's okay I mouthed to Shiro. He nodded as I spun the bottle. It landed on the green paladin. Hunk scooted back and Pidge came closer to me. I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead as I saw a smile creep on her face. 

Thank you she mouthed to me as I scooted back next to Shiro. I nodded my head in return with a smile. 

I really like that kid. She lost her family at 13 and had to leave Earth, the place she knew so much, at 14 to defend the universe. Some evenings are rougher for her, and when I wake up in the middle of the night I hear her crying in her room, crying over the fact that she may never see her family again. Sometimes I just want to hug her and tell her that everything will be fine but in some situations, I can't or it's not appropriate. I'll defend her from any pain I can until the day I die and-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Pidge's spin landed on Keith. It was easy for her since they were side by side. She kissed his cheek, platonically. I could see it in her eyes. Keith spun the bottle and it landed on Shiro. He leaned towards him and grabbed his left hand, gently kissing it. He sat back down and looked down. He looked uncomfortable, like he was just waiting for something to go wrong. Shiro spun the bottle and it landed on me. He lifted my chin with his free hand and planted his lips on mine, cupping my cheek with the same hand. 

"Shiro..." I mumbled, which only made him smile. He pulled away and smirked. I spun the bottle and it landed on Lance. I leaned over and grabbed his hand. 

"Probably feels good to be the kissee instead of the kisser, huh?" I asked with a laugh. 

He nodded as I kissed his hand. The Cuban gave the bottle a good spin and it stopped at Keith. I noticed his cheeks were slightly pink and Lance kissed his cheek. He looked down but spun the bottle. It ceased to a stop in front of the blue paladin. 

"Nope, nu-un. Not kissing him," he said, while looking away from us. 

"Fine, then you have to tell the group something that you've never told anyone," Pidge said, leaning forward. 

"I was booted from the Garrison because of discipline issues, as they say. It was just my anger getting the best of me because everyone would talk about the Kerberos mission, saying that Shiro is a terrible pilot and my anger got the best to me and I might've sent a few students to the hospital on my last day." 

"You sent kids to the hospital?!" Pidge asked. 

He nodded and nobody moved. 

"Well are we still playing or not?" He asked. 

Everyone kinda murmered until I spun and broke the silence. 

"Well, Shiro's not dead and you don't have to worry about that anymore. That's in the past, and you can't fix what's in the past. But, you can change and rearrange whatever the future holds," I told him. 

He just smiled at me as the bottle landed on Shiro. I pecked his cheek as he spun. It landed on Hunk and he kissed his hand. Hunk spun and it landed on Pidge. He kissed her hand as she spun. 

"This is getting boring," I murmured. 

"Got any better ideas YN?" Shiro asked quietly, but loud enough so I can hear. I shook my head.

A mini riff off would be good, but it'd literally be acapella unless Pidge and I can work up some drums and beatboxing... 

"I have an idea..." 


EDIT: This chapter is confusing with Keith's crush because we all know that Keith and Lance are soulmates. Sorry for the confusion but it gets WAAAY better next chapter, like 2k+ words and an epic fight against you and Haggar for your control. It's awesome btw

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