Chapter Five

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"So, Lafayette," Hercules began as they walked along the path of cracked sidewalk. "You know some things about me. But yet, I don't know much about you."

"Well for starters, my name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette. I-"

"Your name is what?" Hercules stared wide-eyed at Lafayette, who just snickered, rolling his eyes. "I'm serious dude. How the hell am I supposed to remember all of those names?"

"Well normally I go by Lafayette. John and Alex occasionally call me Gilbert, but that's a rarity. If I'm being honest, my name is the most interesting thing about me," Lafayette shrugged. "I'm pretty boring."

"Oh come on," Hercules turned to Lafayette, raising an eyebrow. "You're obviously French, judging from your accent. There's got to be something you can tell me."

"Not much. I moved from France when I was 13, my parents insisting on a new start. I hated it at first, but America is a lovely place. I met John and Alex during my first day of high school. They, how you say, took me under their wing. In middle school I was just that weird French kid who no one knew anything about. But I met John and Alex, and I finally had someone to lean on. We decided in college we would just get an apartment, the three of us together. So that's what we did, and that's how it's been since we graduated high school," Lafayette paused, looking over at Hercules to check if he was still listening. He was, intently it seemed. "That's it I guess. I'm just living life."

Hercules nodded, holding the door open as they got to the café waiting for Lafayette to walk through before following the Frenchman in.

Lafayette took a seat at the same table he and Hercules met at, leaning on it so that his arms were resting on the wooden surface.

"So do you think John's going to actually do it?" Hercules asked, sitting across from Lafayette, looking down at his slumped-over stance.

"I'm betting non, mon ami. No doubt he'll wimp out," Lafayette chuckled, though there was a hint of sadness in it. He knew how badly John wanted to be with Alex. Lafayette could see it since high school, the way John looked at Alex, always a loving gaze, or a longing stare. There was just so much holding him back, and Laf couldn't help but feel for him. "But, there's a still a sliver of hope I guess. We'll just have to wait and see."

"I suppose." Hercules shrugged, peeking up as he saw their waitress near their table. "Finally, I could go for some tea."

They gave their waitress, Adrienne, their orders, though she seemed more interested in Lafayette's lips than what was coming out of them. Hercules felt a pang of jealousy in his chest, though he pushed it away. If he wasn't dating Laf, it wasn't his place to chase the girl away.

"I'll be back with your drinks," she grinned at them with her white-toothed smile. She rushed away, Hercules was glaring at her until she was out of sight.

"Herc?" Lafayette asked, yanking Hercules' eyes away from Adrienne. "What's wrong man?"

"Nothing," Hercules mumbled, eyes still glued to where Adrienne had been standing.

"The girl? Really Hercules? You're worried about some girl who's flirting with me?" Lafayette smirked.

Hercules crossed his legs, looking down at the table. "I'm not worried about it, I just don't like it."

"Well, if you're so quick to be protective, maybe you should be quicker at asking me out," Lafayette tried to catch Hercules' averted eyes, a smirk still plastered to his face.

Hercules' face went bright red. He uncrossed his legs, pressing his feet together. "W-Well, would you maybe want to-"

He didn't even have a chance to finish the lingering question when Lafayette's phone dinged, lighting up, John's name displayed across the screen. Well, not John's name exactly. John the dumbass turtle boi deemed more accurate.

"He did it," Lafayette said as he opened the message. "He actually fucking did it."


"John asked him out!" Lafayette smiled. "Finally. You don't even know how long I've been telling him to."

"Did Alex say yes?" Hercules asked, a little saddened by their sudden change of subject.

"Of course he said yes, they're fucking soulmates. I've never seen two people so meant for each other." The waitress returned gently setting their drinks on the table. Hercules looked up at her, the way she looked at Lafayette made his face flush in anger.

"So Laf, we're on for Saturday right? That date I asked you on?" Adrienne looked from Hercules to Lafayette, a surprised and slightly disgusted look on her face. She rushed away, not stopping to look behind her.

"Wow, even playing the date card huh? That protective? Well, if you actually want to take me on that date, you actually have to ask me."

"But we just met!" Lafayette smirked, noticing Hercules' slight blush.

"Doesn't matter. Besides, I know enough about you to know you're a nice guy, cute too. Gotta live life to the fullest, right?"

"I guess," Hercules shrugged. "So, wanna go out with me on Saturday?"

"I'd love to."

A/N: I feel like shit today.

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