Chapter Twenty Six

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John pulled Alexander by the hand into the waiting room. He almost immediately spotted Lafayette, who was in one of the uncomfortable-looking chairs in the room, hunched over with his head in his hands.

"Laf," John said, approaching Lafayette carefully. "Gil, what's going on?" Lafayette jumped, his head darting up, giving John a view of his face. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, his curly hair was a mess, coils of it pooling out of the bun that barely staying together. "Woah, you look like hell," Alex smacked him in the arm, glaring at John.

"Where's Hercules?" Alexander asked in a soft voice, sitting next to Lafayette, taking his hand as an attempt to comfort him. Laf leaned on Alexander, sobbing into his shoulder. "Shh, just tell us what's going on Laffy."

"W-We went for a-a walk," Laf started, wiping his face, taking shaky breaths. "And this- this man approached u-us. He said s-some homophobic things, so I told him off," Lafayette but his lip, staring down at his shoes. "He sh-shot Hercules," Both Alexander and John's eyes widened, their jaws dropping. "He shot him, Alex," Lafayette leaned on Alexander, tears streaming down his face like waterfalls. "It's all m-my fault."

"Laf don't talk like that," John said, sitting next to Lafayette, rubbing his back comfortingly.

John noticed how Alexander went from comforting to angry in seconds as he stared off. John looked around for the source of the anger, and he found it quite quickly, seeing a tall curly-haired man walk in, a shorter man at his side.

"Jefferson," Alexander growled as Thomas and James approached them. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Thomas ignored Alexander, turning his attention to John and Lafayette. "Is Hercules okay?" He asked, sitting across from them, James taking a seat close to him.

"How did you even know something happened?" John asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hercules used to be our roommate before he moved out. We aren't necessarily friends, but I'm one of his emergency contacts. The woman was vague on the phone, she didn't really say what happened." No one dared explain what happened for fear of upsetting Lafayette, but Thomas understood. "You're his boyfriend right?" Thomas asked Lafayette, leaning on the arm of the chair. Lafayette nodded, wiping his face. "Hopefully he'll be okay," Thomas glanced down at James, who was half asleep from being woken up so early in the morning. "I couldn't imagine anything happening to James, I would lose my mind."

Before anyone else could get another word out Angelica stormed into the waiting room, her sisters at her side. "We came as soon as we heard." The sisters were all on Hercules' emergency contacts list, so they were notified as well as Thomas that Hercules was in the hospital. Peggy rushed to Lafayette, taking his hand while Angelica and Eliza gave Thomas dirty looks. "What's he doing here?"

"He's here for the same reason we are, Angie. For Hercules," John stated. Angelica rolled her eyes, obviously disgusted by Thomas' presence.

Alexander got up, sitting on John's lap so that Eliza and Peggy could share his chair. Angelica insisted on standing, or rather, pacing around the waiting room. "Does anyone know how he's doing?"

"Th-They won't tell me anything," Lafayette spoke up, shrugging. Peggy squeezed his hand comfortingly. Laf jumped as he saw a doctor approaching the group. Everyone's attention turned to the doctor, who was holding a clipboard.

"Mr. Lafayette?" He asked, adjusting his glasses. Lafayette nodded hastily, standing up. "Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is he's alive."

"The bad news?" John asked, rubbing Alexander's back.

The doctor seemed to tense, a sympathetic look on his face. "The bad news is that yes he's alive... but barely."

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