Chapter Ten

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A/N: This book hit 1K!! Y'all I don't don't deserve it but thank you!
Also, you're gonna be mad at me for this chapter, and I'm not sorry.

"So, what did John say to you?" Lafayette asked as Hercules drove.

"J-John? Nothing, he said nothing," Hercules insisted. "Why would he say anything to me?" Lafayette laughed airily, shaking his head.

"You're scared of that little guy? Oh come on, John is harmless," Hercules shrugged. "Seriously, that turtle-loving little man couldn't hurt a goddamn fly. And he definitely couldn't hurt you, he couldn't if he tried. I mean, look at you. I don't know who would even try to hurt you?"

"What do you mean?" Hercules asked, taking a glance at Laf before returning his eyes to the road.

"Well you're all big and brawny, and hot," Lafayette didn't even realize what had come out of his mouth before he saw Hercules' face turn beet red. "Did I just- Je suis un imbécile. I'm sorry."

"I-It's okay," Hercules said.

"Not that it was a lie though. You're sexy as hell," Lafayette laughed as Hercules' eyes widened, the red in his face getting darker.

"Well you're a little straightforward huh?" Lafayette nodded, grinning. "Well, if we're playing the honesty game, you're pretty cute yourself, Laf." Hercules said, a sudden rush of confidence spurring the compliment. Lafayette stared out the window, hoping Hercules' couldn't see his blush. "Well now I can't see your face."

"Oui. That's, how you say, the point Monsieur," Lafayette mumbled, leaning his head against the window.

"What a shame. I happen to like your face," Lafayette covered his face in his hands. Hercules chuckled, looking over at him.

"Herc stop," Lafayette said, the words muffled by his hands.

Hercules smirked, pulling into a parking spot. "Laf, we're here." Lafayette looked up, seeing that they had arrived at the theater. "Come on," Hercules said, getting out of his car, Lafayette following behind him.

They entered the movie theater, getting their tickets before finding their seats.

"I'm gonna go get us some popcorn, I'll be back Laf," Hercules said before walking off. Lafayette smiled, leaning back in the chair.

As more people started to fill the seats, a guy, a little older than Lafayette, took a seat next to him. At first Lafayette didn't think anything of it, well, before the guy opened his mouth.

"Was that your boyfriend?" He asked, leaning on the armrest so that he was only inches from Laf.

"Excusez moi?" Lafayette leaned away from the man, hoping he would take it as a hint to leave him alone. Lafayette soon found out the guy wasn't too great at taking hints.

"You're french," He grinned. "I like the french ones. And you're cute too, really cute," Lafayette froze as the man put a hand on his arm. Laf felt his throat tighten, his breathing getting faster. "How would you like to come home with me sweetheart?"

"D-Don't t-t-touch me please," Lafayette stammered, almost unable to speak as panic took him over. He looked around, but no one seemed to be noticing what was going on. "Stop."

"Come one honey, don't be like that," The guy grinned, leaning closer to Laf. Lafayette yanked his arm away. He wanted to scream, or at least say something else, but he couldn't seem to make any sound.

"Get away from him," Hercules growled, towering over the man.

The guy shrunk back, pulling his hand close to his chest. Lafayette jumped up, wrapping his arms around Hercules before starting to cry into his shoulder.

Hercules lifted Lafayette into his arms, flipping the guy off before carrying Laf out of the theater, letting him sob into his chest.

"I know," Hercules said softly, rubbing his hand along Lafayette's back. "He can't hurt you, I'm here. I shouldn't have left you alone I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," Laf said, wiping the tears from his face. Hercules set him in the car, shutting the door.

Hercules got in the passenger side, looking over at Lafayette. He still looked panicked, fear radiating from his eyes. "Hey, Laf, look at me." Lafayette looked up at him, complying. "You're safe okay? I'm going to take you home, want that?"

Lafayette nodded, leaning his head on the window. "Herc?" He asked, his voice sounding small and shaky.

"Yeah Laf?" Hercules said as he pulled out of the parking spot, starting to drive.

"Thank you."

A/N: Like I said, not sorry.

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