Chapter Fifteen

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As Lafayette, Alexander, and John laughed and made conversation as the group walked through the town, having a good time, Hercules couldn't seem to enjoy himself.

He always had the constant worry that someone was going to hurt Lafayette, and he couldn't seem to push it away. He knew the fear was likely irrational, that no one would do anything to him out in the open, where pedestrians where passing every minute. But he just couldn't help but eye every man that spared Lafayette a glance.

"Herc?" Lafayette asked, looking over at his boyfriend, noticing that Hercules seemed to be somewhere else in his thoughts. "Something wrong?"

"What?" He asked, looking up at Lafayette, having not heard him. He was too focused on a man who seemed to be staring at Laf.

"I said, is something wrong?" Lafayette repeated, looking at Hercules with a concerned expression. "You keep staring off, I'm worried, Herc."

"I'm fine, it's nothing," Hercules insisted, looking back off into the distance. Lafayette followed his eyes.

"Hercules," Laf groaned. "Are you seriously glaring at guys who're checking me out?"

"Someone's protective," John chimed in, playfully punching Hercules' shoulder. Alex grabbed his arm, rolling his eyes.

"Says the guy who told Herc he would kill him if he hurt Laf. Remember that time you chased a guy two miles because he whistled at me? Or that time-"

"I get it Alex," John huffed, shaking his head.

"Seriously Herc, no need to be so protective. It's not like anything is going to happen mon amour," Lafayette said, smiling. "Lighten up."

"But what if-"

"Hercules, calm down," Lafayette said seriously. "And-" he gave Hercules a mischievous grin. "I bet no one would dare look at me if a big guy like you had his arm around me."

"God you're flirty," John said, chuckling. Hercules just kept walking, red faced, his arms at his sides. "Hey dipshit, that means he wants you to put your arm around him."

Hercules hesitantly wrapped his arm around Lafayette's slim waist, blushing madly.

Lafayette smirked, looking at Hercules, who seemed flustered and nervous. "Why so tense, mon cher?" He asked, giving Hercules an inquisitive look. When he got no response, he planted a kiss on Hercules' cheek.

"That's gay," John said, giggled.

"John, do I need to remind you what happened last night?" Alex asked, smirking. John flushed I bright crimson, shaking his head. "That's what I thought."

"May I ask where we're going?" Hercules asked, looking to John and Alex, who were clinging to each other like velcro.

"I dunno, Laf where are we going?" John asked, eyeing Lafayette, who just grinned at the three mischievously.

"You'll see."

A/N: wow, the quality of my writing is going downhill, sorry guys.

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