Chapter Thirteen

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"Hercules," Lafayette mumbled sleepily as he started to wake up. He sat upright, yawning and stretching, tying to pull himself out of his tired state. He looked over, half expecting Hercules to be there beside him. "I wonder if he left," Lafayette mumbled, attempting to pretend the lack of Hercules' presence in his room didn't bother him. It wasn't like they were dating, Lafayette didn't have a reason to even expect Hercules to be there. "Je suis un idiot." He made his way to the living room, not even noticing Hercules on the couch.

"Morning," Lafayette nearly jumped out of his skin, his head whipping in Hercules' direction. Hercules chuckled, standing from the couch, walking over to Laf. "Did I startle you?"

"Oui," Lafayette said breathlessly, his hand on his chest. "You nearly gave me a heart attack Monsieur."

"Sorry," Hercules said, laughing. "I was wondering if you'd want to go to breakfast with me." Lafayette smiled brightly, a surge of happiness coursing through him. Hercules noticed how Lafayette's face immediately brightened at his question, giving Hercules a certain stance of confidence.

"I'd love to," Lafayette said, grabbing Hercules by the arm, pulling him towards the door.

"Shouldn't we get dressed first, Laf?" Hercules asked, raising an eyebrow as Lafayette shoved a sweatshirt into his chest.

"Non," Lafayette stated, pulling a jacket around himself. "Put that on, it's gonna be a little cold outside," Lafayette said. Hercules looked at him questioningly, apparently taking too long. Lafayette took the article of clothing from him before pulling it around the shorter man's frame. Hercules' breath ceased as he noticed that there were only a few inches, if that, between him and Lafayette. Hercules gasped as Lafayette gently put a hand under his chin, gently lifting it with his finger. "Wouldn't want you to catch a cold," Laf mumbled, letting his eyes lock with Hercules' for a few moments before stepping back, removing his hands from Hercules, who was stunned, almost unable to move.

"R-Right," Hercules stuttered out quietly, following Lafayette out the door.

"There's a diner just down the street, wanna go there?" Lafayette asked, turning to Hercules as they walked.

Herc was still a little shocked by Lafayette's previous actions, but not so much that he couldn't respond. "Yeah, sounds good." They walked in silence, well almost silence, the sounds of the city still droning on as usual. Cars bustling, horns sounding, tires screeching, all normal things to hear at eight in the morning.

"Table for two?" A red-lipped woman asked as Laf and Hercules entered the building, thankful to be out of the morning chill.

"Oui," Lafayette nodded. The waitress, Maria, as her name tag read, led them to a booth in the corner, setting down their menus before muttering a quick "I'll be with you shortly" before scurrying off to seat other customers.

"So Laf, there's something I wanted to a-ask you," Hercules began, his voice slightly cracking from nervousness. "I was wondering if-"

"What would you fellas like to drink?" Maria asked, one hand on her hip, the other holding a notepad.

Hercules was disappointed that he was cut off, but slightly relieved that Maria bought him a few seconds. They gave her their orders before she disappeared again.

"What were you saying Herc?" Laf asked, his elbow on the table, his head resting in his palm.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to..." The words seemed to catch in Hercules' throat, the end of the sentence trailing off. "I-If you'd like to..."

"Herc," Lafayette said, looking Hercules in the eye. "Whatever it is, you can ask me."

"Well," Hercules began, looking down. "I was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend," Hercules felt his heart drop at the silence he heard. As much as it pained him, he let his eyes drift up to look at Lafayette. He looked surprised, and the lack of words coming from the Frenchman worried Hercules. "Laf?"

"Yes!" Laf squealed, grabbing Hercules' hand. "I thought you'd never ask."

"Wait what?!" Hercules' eyes widened. He hadn't expected that answer, figuring rejection would come to him, but apparently not, seeing Lafayette's happy expression. "You would?"

"Of course," Lafayette said cheerily. "Don't be so nervous, I can't believe you'd think I would say no."

"I don't know," Hercules mumbled looking down. "I just thought you'd stop talking to me if I asked you, that you'd be mad or upset and you'd hate me."

Lafayette's eyes held a strong softness as he gazed at Hercules. "Well, one thing is for sure Hercules."

"Hm?" Hercules looked up, meeting Lafayette's eyes.

"I'd never hate you. I promise."

A/N: If you didn't know, I have a new Jamilton book up entitled Grieving, so if any of you happen to ship that, check it out please.

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