Chapter Four

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John poured three cups of coffee, one for himself, one for Alex, who would undoubtedly want coffee when he wakes up, and one for Laf, if he even decided to wake up that morning.

John had long forgotten about Hercules, who was still asleep on the couch. John softly sang to himself, an old song his mother used to sing to him when he was little. The words really didn't mean anything, it was more the sound of the song John liked.

"Didn't know you could sing," John nearly jumped out of his skin hearing Hercules' low voice from behind him.

"Jesus Christ! Man, you scared the shit out of me," John sat the coffee pot that he nearly dropped, down. "Couldn't you have given me like a warning? Your voice is so low it could go under a limbo stick that is on the fucking ground, Hercules!"

Hercules chuckled, stretching as he stood up from the couch.

"Oh chill John," Alex mumbled sleepy as he walked into the kitchen. "His voice isn't even that low."

John scoffed, reaching for the coffee pot. "Want any coffee Herc?"

"That would be lovely," John's hospitality made Hercules smile. "Where's Lafayette?" He asked, taking the mug John handed him.

"Probably still asleep," John said, taking a sip from his own mug.

"I am not asleep for your information mon ami," Lafayette said, his voice raspy from sleep. Hercules face went red, trying to push away the thoughts of how hot Lafayette's morning voice was. "Good morning Monsieur Hercules."

"Morning," Hercules mumbled, still trying to repress his blush.

"So Hercules and I plan to go to the café today," Hercules turned his head, shooting a confused look at Lafayette.

"We wh-"

Lafayette glared at Hercules, silently telling him to shut his mouth. Hercules complied, closing his mouth, looking down at his mug. "Yeah, we are. In about a half an hour. We'll probably be there for a while. It'll give John the chance to talk to you about something important, Alex," Lafayette gave John a pointed glare.

"You motherfucker," John said under his breath, leaning against the counter. John avoided Alex's eyes when he looked back and forth between Lafayette and John, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Come on let's get ready," Lafayette pulled Hercules away by the hand, down the hallway.

After the door was shut Hercules found it to be the time to ask what was going on. "What're we doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're leaving so that John can tell Alex his feelings. What are you? A halfwit?" Lafayette pulled off his shirt, looking through his closet for a new one.

Hercules tried his best not to stare as Lafayette pulled a new shirt on. "Well I..."

"Like what you see eh?" Lafayette smirked, pulling on a new pair of pants as well. Hercules went red, not able to find anything to say. "Oh don't get so flustered mon ami, it's cool. Anyway, here, put this on and meet me in the living room," Lafayette threw a few articles of clothing in Hercules direction before exiting the room.

He made his way to the living room, not having to wait long for Hercules to appear next to him, dressed.

"Ready to go?" Lafayette asked, Hercules nodded.

John rolled his eyes. "This isn't necessary Laf."

"See ya later," Lafayette grinned as he opened the door, quickly stepping out into the cool air of the outside, Hercules following behind him, shutting the door after he was fully out of the hotel.

John sat on the couch, still glaring at where Lafayette had been.

"So what did you want to talk about Jacky?" Alex took a seat next to him, looking at John out of the corner of his eye.

John put his head in his hands, sighing. "Lafayette my friend, you are the worst."

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