Chapter Twenty Five

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John smiled, raking his hands through Alexander's hair. Alex was still asleep, looking peaceful, cuddled into John's side. John pressed a kiss to his forehead softy, his smile not faltering.

That is until his loud ringtone cut through the silence. He picked up his phone, rushing to silence it, seeing the caller ID, Lafayette being the source of the call. "Goddammit Laf, its five a.m. why are you calling me?" John mumbled as he answered the call, his phone pressed to his ear. John glanced down, relieved to see that Alexander was still asleep even after the loud noise.

"J-John, I need y-you to come to the hospital, m-mon ami," John could hear from Lafayette's shaky tone that he had been crying, and crying hard.

"The hospital?! Laf, what's going on?" John asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Did something happen?"

"I-It's Herc, h-he-" Lafayette choked, not finding the strength to say it. "J-Just please come to the hospital soon," Laf hung up abruptly, making John worry even more.

"Alex, baby, wake up," John said, nudging Alexander, making the smaller man groan, his eyes squinting as they fluttered open. "Get dressed Lex," John said, standing up before pulling on a sweatshirt. Alex stumbled out of bed, rubbing his eyes. John threw a pair of sweatpants at him, Alexander having only one of John's large t-shirts covering his frame.

"Babe what's going on?" Alex mumbled as he pulled on the pants, grabbing one of John's hoodies.

"I'm not sure," John said as he rushed out of their bedroom, grabbing the keys for his truck. Alex followed him outside after the two put on their shoes, the cold morning air making Alexander shiver in his loose clothing.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Alexander asked, getting into the passenger side of John's truck. "Where are we even going?"

John put the keys in the ignition, turning them quickly before putting the truck in drive. "The hospital."

"The hospital?" Alexander was confused, wondering what reason John could possibly have for wanting to go to the hospital. "John, what the hell is going on?!" John took a deep breath, glancing at Alex as he started to drive.

"Like I said, Alex, I'm not quite sure."

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