Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 10k!

Lafayette took a deep breath as the doctor led him through the hallways. The others had insisted that Lafayette go alone so that he could be the first one to see Hercules, and Lafayette graciously agreed. Though as the distance between himself and Hercules dwindled down he couldn't help but regret his decision. There was an insurmountable fear bubbling in his chest, the thoughts of Hercules' being angry or upset with him almost too much to bear.

"You can call me or a nurse if you need anything," the doctor stated as he stopped in front of a door. Lafayette but his lip as he opened the door.

Laf felt tears form in his eyes as he saw Hercules. He was hooked up to several IVs, a clear liquid dripping from them. He was also clad in a blue hospital gown that covered the bandages that were wrapped around his abdomen. "Oh mon dieu," Lafayette mumbled, tears rolling down his cheeks. "This is all my fault."

"Laf, don't say that," Hercules smiled softly, his eyes filled with love. "Baby, I'm proud of you."

"Proud of me?" Lafayette echoed, a confused expression clear on his face. "Why on earth would you ever be proud of me, mon amour?" Hercules waved Lafayette over, taking his hand once Laf got close enough for him to reach.

"Because you stood up for what you believed in. You stood up for us. And though it might not have been the best decision, since the guy had a gun, I'm still proud," Lafayette leaned down to kiss Hercules, tears still rolling down his face. "I love you Laf," Hercules said as Lafayette pulled away. "I hope you know that I'd take another bullet for you any day."

"Stop it," Lafayette chuckled weakly, brushing the tears from his face. "I can't believe you just got shot and all you can talk about is me."

"I can't help it," Hercules said, grinning. "I could talk about you all day."

Lafayette smiled, shaking his head. "I love you so much, Hercules," he mumbled, looking down at his hand that was wrapped in Hercules'. "I don't know what I would have done with myself you didn't make it. I'm so sorry I did this to you."

"Don't worry about it, love," Hercules said, squeezing Lafayette's hand. "I'm okay," Laf nodded, giving Hercules a meek smile. Both of their heads darted to the door as they heard a knock, presumed to be their friends. "Come in."

"Herc!" Peggy squealed, running to Hercules' side. "You look like hell." Soon enough the rest of the large group pooled into the small hospital room, all wearing concerned and worried expressions.

"Peg, not the time," Eliza scolded, grabbing her sister's arm. "Are you feeling alright Hercules?"

"I'm feeling fine," Hercules gave the group a bright smile. Lafayette sighed in relief, glad to hear of Hercules' state. "Especially since all of you are he- Thomas?" Hercules' eyebrows knit in confusion as his eyes landed on Thomas, who was standing in the corner of the room with James under his arm. "What're you doing here?"

"Well the hospital called me, I came to see if you were alright," Thomas mumbled, shrugging. James smiled up at him, leaning into his chest.

"Thanks Thomas," Hercules smiled as he watched Thomas wrap his arm around James' waist, pulling him close. "I'm glad you came."

"You are?" Angelica questioned, glaring at Thomas.

"Yes Angie, I am," Hercules chuckled as Angelica gave Thomas a disgusted expression. "I'm glad all of you are here," Laf looked down at Hercules, smiling. "I'll be getting out of here soon, a couple of weeks. We should all celebrate once I get out."

"Sounds like a plan," John said, nodding. Everyone murmured in agreement, making Hercules smile. "I'm glad you're okay, man."

Hercules nodded, giving Lafayette's hand a squeeze. "Yeah, me too."

A/N: I'm garbage :)

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