Chapter Twenty Two

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The two sat on what was now Hercules' bed, having cleared off the suitcases to make room to sit. Hercules stared at the ceiling, his back pressed up against the headboard. Lafayette looked at Hercules expectantly, waiting for the other man to say so much as a hello, the two having been siting there for a good while in silence.

"Herc, mon amour, you're making me nervous," Lafayette said, trying to catch Hercules' eye. Herc took a deep breath, looking down at his shaking hands. "Come on, whatever it is you want to talk about, you don't have to be scared. I don't bite."

"W-Well," Hercules began, his voice sounding shaky and meek as he took a quick, short lived glance at Lafayette. "I um... I wanted to a-ask you..."

"Herc," Lafayette said, slightly chuckling at Hercules' bashful state, though he was extremely concerned. The only other time he had seen Hercules act so nervous and confined was during the storm, and he didn't want to relive watching his boyfriend be so afraid. "Seriously, you can talk to me. At least look at me."

Hercules bit his lip as he locked eyes with Lafayette, overwhelmed by the soft concern welling in Laf's deep brown eyes. "Well I-I wanted to ask you, a-am I enough?"

Lafayette seemed taken aback by the question. "You mean... Enough for me?" Hercules nodded, clearly nervous. "Oh mon cherie, of course you are," Lafayette said as he moved forward, crawling into Hercules' lap, peppering soft kisses onto Hercules face. Hercules didn't even realize he was crying until Lafayette's thumb brushed against his cheek, wiping away tears. "Why would you ever think otherwise?"

"It's just you're so amazing and you could find anyone else and they would be so much better than me and I feel like you deserve someone better," Hercules rushed out, choked sobs emitting from his throat.

"Hercules don't talk like that," Lafayette said, moving on Hercules' lap so that he was straddling him, cupping Herc's face with both of his hands. "Baby you are more than I could ever ask for. You're so beautiful and absolutely adorable. The minute you stepped foot in that café the day we met, you were all that was on my mind. And now that we're together, and I've learned so much about you, I wouldn't ever want to have anyone else, please know that."

"R-Really?" Hercules blubbered, tears coating his cheeks. Lafayette nodded, kissing him passionately, wrapping his arms around Hercules' neck.

"Oui," Lafayette mumbled as he pulled away, smiling softly at Hercules. "I've been looking all my life for someone like you, Herc. Can I tell you something?" Hercules nodded, wiping his face with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Je t'aime, mon cher."

Hercules took a second, his memory of the french he knew still foggy, but he soon realized what Laf had said. "Y-You do?" Lafayette nodded, grinning. "I love you too," Hercules said, pulling Lafayette close, sobbing into the taller man's chest. "I love you so much." Lafayette sighed in relief, resting his head in the crook of Hercules' neck, letting Hercules wrap his arms around his waist, continuing to sob into Lafayette's shoulder.

"Shh," Lafayette's cooed, pressing feathery kisses onto Hercules' neck. "You're okay baby, I'm here," Hercules nodded, trying to compose himself, though his attempt proved to be futile as tears continued to cascade down his face.

After a long amount of time of staying in that same position, Lafayette whispering sweet nothings into Hercules' ear, Hercules crying hard, Hercules composed himself, wiping his face dry.

"You okay?" Lafayette asked, caressing Hercules' face.

Hercules smiled, nodding, pecking at Lafayette's lips. "Perfect," Lafayette grinned, getting off of Hercules before holding his hand out for Hercules to take. Hercules complied, letting Lafayette pull him out into the living room.

John looked up at them, playing with Alexander's hair absentmindedly. "You two good?" He asked, Alexander looking up at the two as well.

Hercules and Lafayette shared a quick glance before looking back at John and Alex, nodding hastily, their hands still intertwined.

John grinned, sharing a knowing look with Hercules. "Wonderful, now come on, Alex has been pestering me about playing mario kart the whole time you two were gone. You two should play with us."

Hercules sat on the couch next to Alex, Lafayette sitting on his lap. "I'm gonna kick your ass," Laf muttered, grabbing a controller from the coffee table.

Hercules smirked, grabbing a different controller. "You're on."

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