Recruit : Chapter 1

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A/N: This work of fiction is the product of my imagination. Please respect my work. Comments are welcomed as are votes. Thank you for choosing read my story

© 2014 George McDorman Jr.

Chapter 1

In the field just beyond a small airport outside the 'city' in which he lived, a young man was lying back on the hood of an older model import car, looking as the stars twinkled against a dark background. A soft, warm breeze rustled the leaves at the top of the only tree in the field.

He got up from the car and walked back to reach in and grab the tarp folded in the passenger seat. As he spread the tarp out to lie on and ponder on the vastness beyond the planets of his solar system. As Cory lay on the tarp staring at the stars he wondered if mankind was really alone in the endless space of the universe. He and his father had been stargazing since he was a small child. The years spent had left him with many questions but no answers. According to what he had been taught, man was alone in the universe, but part of him always questioned that belief. The universe was just too vast for just one form of intelligent life to exist, he believed. Little did he know how soon he was going to learn the truth.

A movement among the stars caught his attention. At first he thought it was an airplane but he soon realized there were no navigation lights blinking, then he thought it was a satellite.

"It can't be" Cory mused to himself "It's not going in the right direction."

As he watched the light move from west to east he swore it was slowing down.

"Is that thing going to land around here?" he asked himself "If it does, there's going to be trouble."

As he watched, the light sped up and disappeared over toward the horizon, moving too fast to be a plane. He could swear that just before it reached there it blinked out of existence.

Aboard the 'light' the officer in charge was trying to figure out how the ships cloak turned off when they were passing by the planet rendering the ship visible. The timing was too coincidental to be thought of as a simple malfunction. While in the middle of her investigation she was summoned by the mission leader. Her real mission was about to begin.

"I wonder if anyone else saw that?" Cory thought as he got up to go home for the night. "That was strange. Why did it disappear like that?"

He got up and sat in his car. After he started the car and turned on his lights to start his drive home. He shook his head trying to figure out if what he saw was real or not.

Driving along the dark country road all he could hear were the tires of his car as he rolled along. There was no noise from crickets or other nocturnal creatures. The silence was unnerving. Looking at the clock on his cell phone he saw that the night was almost over. The sun was already lightening the eastern sky.

"Great, I'm not going to be able to sleep til after work." he moaned as he steadily drove along. Soon he was turning onto his street as he tooled along quickly towards his home, a small apartment near the local college. Too early for a crowd of people, there was still light traffic in town. He finally pulled up in front of his building and got out of his car.

When he got inside he took a quick shower, got dressed and then made a pot of coffee for himself. As he sipped his coffee his thoughts went back to the light he saw earlier. Turning on his TV for his morning news he was startled to see a picture of the light on the screen. Apparently he hadn't imagined the light since someone recorded it.

Recruit: Book One of the Universal Conflict ( Under Constant Editing)Where stories live. Discover now