Classroom Love Part 1

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"Oh great, It's Monday" Ms. Ghai sighed as she trudged into her classroom. As usual, the more academically-smart children had arrived first, and the seats for the jocks and preppy girls remained empty.

They always came right before the bell, and sometimes after. Ah, who was she kidding, always after the bell!

Ms. Ghai sipped the coffee she had lovingly bought from Starbucks and waited patiently for the students to arrive. There was one boy in particular who sparked her interest, his name was Reyaansh Singhania, and he was as quiet as a mouse and always wore a hood over his head, zipped up, completely concealing his identity.

Today he was the first to class, his lips, the only thing visible from inside his hoodie were pulled up into that usual, knowing smirk as he took his seat and Ms. Ghai couldn't help but wonder what was so amusing for him to always smirk at her.

"Is something funny Mr. Singhania?" the smirk remained intact, but he merely shrugged in response. Even from this position Ms. Ghai could clearly see how muscular he was...those long toned arms, which were no doubt tainted by tattoos, his height alone was frightening, and from her estimate he was probably around 6" 7.

He would easily be able to manipulate her, Easily dominate her...Ms. Ghai choked on her coffee as she realized what she had been thinking about one of her students.

Throughout the whole year, Reyaansh Singhania, had never, ever, taken off his hoodie. It was a mystery to all the students, whether or not Reyaansh was a hideous toad, or a sexy Greek god. Even Ms. Ghai was curious, despite her mental denial, she would catch herself staring at his lips in the middle of a lecture, imagining them running down her body, latching onto her nipples and tugging on them.

Immediately she would feel disgusted with herself, even if she was a very young teacher she should still be maintaining a professional etiquette. Not thinking of letting one of her students wickedly ravish her.

Ignoring her thoughts since day one of seeing Reyaansh Singhania, and since Day One, he always seemed to have a knowing smirk on his face.

For Ms. Ghai, this was a huge turn-on, but still, she ignored the churning of her belly, and the constant moistness between her legs.

Interrupting her perverted thoughts, the bell, signaling the start of her first period class rang and the entire class still hadn't arrived.

Ms. Ghai sighed and placed her coffee down on the desk before rising up from her seat. On cue, Sharon Rai Prakash and Swayam Shekhawat, stride into the classroom like they owned the place.

Both of them looked flustered and completely out of breath, it didn't take a genius to know that they hadn't rushed to class, based on the fact that Swayam had failed to zip up his fly correctly and the top two buttons of Sharon's shirt had been either never there, or ripped off. Ms. Ghai would assume the latter.

"Next time its detention, Sharon and Swayam." she called out, before turning back to the Smart Board. "What are we doing today, Ms. Ghai?" Swayam asked, the smirk was obvious in his voice.

Ms. Ghai pushed her reading glasses up on her nose before turning to address him. "We're reading a poem, It's called 'Tardy Poem', I'm sure you can relate" The class oohed and Swayam rolled his eyes before slinging an arm around Sharon and loping the both of them to their seats in the back.

"Now class, we're actually going to watch a movie today. Before we begin reading the play, I would like everyone to see the visual, and then we will compare and contrast" The class sighed in relief, noticeably. Of course, the majority of them would goof around during the movie but there was nothing Ms. Ghai could do about it besides 'shhhh' them.

Ms. Ghai turned out the lights as the movie started and relaxed at her seat. She took a sip of her coffee, and was disappointed to find that it was now cold. "Great" she growled.

"Ms. Ghai" a deep voice groaned. Ms. Ghai looked up to lock eyes with Reyaansh... for once, his hood was pulled up and she could faintly see, in the dark, the silver silhouette of his eyes. They reflected back at her, closed halfway, and if she wasn't mistaken it looked as if he was... aroused.

Ms. Ghai inhaled sharply, and her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, he was certainly staring at her, wasn't he?

"Ms. Ghaaaaai, Ugh" he groaned again, the corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk, as he watched her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Mr. Singhania, is there something you needed?" She asked quietly, her voice was shaken-up and low enough for just him to hear, "Why Ms. Ghai, how kind of you to ask." Although he never answered her question, she knew what he meant, or thought she knew what he meant.

Throughout the whole class, as the movie was played, she could feel Reyaansh's eyes on her, and every once in a while she would hear him softly groan and it would drive her over the edge almost. By the time class was over, and the movie had gone off, she was afraid to get up from her seat by fear of someone either smelling the wetness between her thighs or seeing it.

What the hell was he up to...? As the lights turned back on, Reyaansh had pulled his hood back down over his face so that he was once again concealed to the world, just his lips showing, and if she wasn't mistaken, his smirk was far wider than it had been before the lights turned off.

"Ms. Ghai, I would like to ask you about the movie before I leave." Reyaansh spoke, and underneath her desk, Ms. Ghai's legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

She could feel that something was about to happen, she just didn't know what.

"Of course Mr. Singhania, if you don't understand something I would be glad to explain it to you."

His smirk only widened as she spoke, and if Ms. Ghai would have looked down she would have seen that his prick had hardened into a reasonable length, but he easily diverted her attention to his face, as he pulled his hood back.

To reveal, something better than Ms. Ghai had expected. He certainly didn't look like an 18-year-old boy, he could pass for her age, which was 23, stubble lined his jaw, which was set harshly, his eyes were silver and locked with hers at the moment, those lips matched perfectly with his beautiful face and Ms. Ghai was speechless for a moment, as was the majority of the class, as they paused to stare at Reyaansh.

"Oh dear God" she whispered to herself, he was... sexy.

Breaking out of their trances, the guys began to file out of the class but the girls' reactions were stronger, they took extra-long to collect their books and noticeably brushed against Reyaansh as they walked by. He didn't seem to notice, and Ms. Ghai was still in shock.

Why would someone so close to perfection hide their face beneath a hood? Was there an extra motive, or maybe he was just trying to make it by in high school, without being judged by appearances?

Eh, who knows... but the boy was something to look at.

As the door closed behind the last girl, who happened to be none other than Sharon, almost too speedy to be normal, Reyaansh walked over to the door and locked it.

As he approached her, his eyes noticeably changed color, and Ms. Ghai gasped. "Finally, I have you alone."

Before she could react to his strongly spoken words, with a much deeper meaning, he slammed his lips against hers and thrust his tongue between her lips, and into her open, waiting mouth.

To Be Continued For Next Part...


Feeling hot during summer so thought why not torture you guys along. Comment, Share & Vote if you enjoyed it also don't forget to Save this story on to your Reading List so I can keep you posted. I'll be back within 6 - 12 hrs with the 2nd Part of this TS till then enjoy the sunny heat. LOVE YOU ALL KRIYAANSH FANS!


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