Blooming Love

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The day I got married my Dad had told me that I would never regret my decision of putting my trust in Him. He said I would never regret marrying the guy I hardly know. He believes Reyaansh Singhania, The only son of his dear friend Ranvijay Singhania was the perfect match for me. He sang his praises , but still his words couldn't assured me enough. I was still worried and nervous. Well, Every bride goes through nervousness, but my nervousness was for all different reasons. If you could understand that I would say I was beyond nervous because I was always a romantic person.I used to fascinated by love marriages. I used to fascinated by the idea of falling in love with someone So deeply that nothing could apart you. Arrange marriage was not even in my wildest dream. I was a lover, I wanted to love and to be loved and only after that, wanted to get married. And then, I was going to tied a knot with almost a stranger. The thought ran into my mind And I had gotten cold feet. I had curse myself for agreeing for this arrange marriage. No one had force me , I agreed by my free will. I had chosen to be Mrs Kriya Reyaansh Singhania.

Before our marriage, I had met Reyaansh only once (Yep, Only Once,). That was the day he had come to my place to see me. It wasn't an official meeting, he just came over. I had no knowledge about it. My Dad introduced him to me as his friend's son. I immediately liked his Chestnut Hazel brown eyes. Then my dad said he had an important call to attend (a lie, of course ) and left us alone in garden for half an hour. That was kind of awkward, just sitting there on garden table and had nothing to say. I asked him few questions just for the sake of having conversation and He replied (I liked his voice too. Smooth and warming . A true gentleman' voice).. that's it. He didn't say anything otherwise. He hadn't need to, after all. He had decided what he came for.

After two days my dad told me about the true reason behind his visit and said that he liked me and wanted to marry me as soon as possible because he had to go back to New York and resumed his work. I was shocked (It was understatement, just like saying I was nervous on my Wedding Day). First thing I did after that was asking Rey's phone number. Dad was reluctant at first, He said I need to think with calm mind , but he knew I get what I want in one way or other. So he handed me his number. I dialed his number and as soon he pick up I just ask him one thing "How could you decide to marry me after just one meeting?" ( I was angry, no lying about it). And his words were "My Dad likes you very much, so is my Mom. They never agree on same thing, but they both are agree on you. They think you will be good for me." I fell silent, forgot all the words I had been preparing to argue him over his decision.

I had known his parents all my life. I knew they both were very good people but just not good enough for each other. My dad and his dad were college friends then business partner. So he had to be a part of our festival functions and family get-together. That's how our Moms became friends too. So I had heard almost everything about his parents 'fading love to increasing fights' stories until they decided to end their fights, only by parting their ways and got divorced 10 years ago. I was 14 years old then , Rey had to be 18. He was four years senior then me. His parent didn't fight anymore, now they just argue with each other whenever they had to be under one roof. So hearing that they agree on me wasn't a small thing. I just couldn't believe it.

When I didn't say anything for a while, he said "You can always say 'No' to my proposal. No one will force you. I have made this very clear to your father," and then he disconnected the Call. I should had say 'no' but I hadn't. I thought, thought and thought. Thought about every single reason why should I say 'no' to this marriage , but let just be honest , I had like him, (His hypnotic Chocolate hazel eyes were hard to get over with), and Dad's praising words for him hadn't gone well with that part of my mind who wanted to reject his proposal. That part of my mind betrayed me , had become mum when I was asked to tell my decision and I end up saying 'Yes' . And just after that, within two weeks we got married in Goa, in an intimate ceremony. Then after a week we came here , in New York.

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