Fortune Cookies

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"I wonder what he is doing right now" Kriya mentally slapped herself at that thought. She really needed to get hold of herself. Falling in love with her husband would be great only if it would be someone other than Reyaansh Singhania.

Slouching on her couch, Kriya continued to click through the channels to find something interesting to watch. She found it irritating that nothing good was on screen. Like any other Friday evening she was alone and bored. She hates weekends, there is absolutely nothing for her to do. Of course Rey leaves her all by herself. But she doesn't complain about it, she understand how difficult it must be to accept some random girl as his wife. In fact she is grateful to him that he married her.

It was around a year ago when Rey visited her village back in India. Every girl in her school was excited to see a group of boys visiting from Manchester for their college project. Rey was one of them. She liked him instantly. He was tall and well built person. He seems fun-loving and well behave at the same time. He was everything that her back than fiance Shivam wasn't. Right than, right there, a strong part of her wished to be with him. A part which prayed for him when she didn't even knew his name.

Ding dong!

Her eyes flickered to the clock on the wall. Though it was only 9:30 pm, Rey can't be home at this time of night. She clicked the off button on the remote and stood up to answer the door.Her hands grasped the knobs and she once again glanced at the clock. Kriya unlocked the door and opened it. "How the hell?...Rey!" She gaped at the man before her. He raised his eyebrows at her strange greeting but pushed it aside. Rey chuckled at her reaction and stepped into the flat, not caring about the lack of invitation.Things might not be at its best but Rey didn't changed much after the marriage. Mostly because Kriya never gave him a hard time. It was always like two not so good friends living under one roof. Maybe that's why he falls for her!

That's right, Rey had realize his love for Kriya few months ago. They never shared any proximity or talked like best friends. They don't even know much about each other except for the fact that Kriya have a horrible family who were forcing their daughter to marry a man who paid the highest price to marry her. And Kriya finds Rey's family completely bizarre, his parents didn't even reacted when Rey introduced her as his bride. She was expecting some drama, maybe little concern, little disappointment. She was prepared for it but all they did was congrats him and that's all.

"What's wrong?" Rey asked her when he found her glued to the entrance Kriya closed her mouth and shut the door before her"W-why are you back so early?" He didn't answer and simply looked at her up and down. She looked down at herself and turned beet red when she realized what she was wearing. There and then, she promised herself to never put on her Indian Salwar with t-shirt, not even on Fridays. Fiddling with the sleeves of her pink Barbie shirt, Kriya avoided Rey gaze. Her eyes stopped moving as she stared at the red and white paper bag in his hand with Chinese characters printed on it.

Rey held the paper bag up "Yeah, I got us some Chinese takeout. I didn't feel like having dinner with friends so I thought that I'd eat with you". "I've already eaten thank you very much" she said nervously,  "Hum kal saath mein khale?" Kriya didn't want to upset him. This is the first time ever he asked for a dinner together. "Geez, I was just kidding Kriya" He stuck out his tongue at her, She smiled a little. "Anyway" Rey proceeded to take out an empty container out of the bag "I was too hungry, so I ate everything already". "But" Rey raised his hand "I saved the fortune cookies for us to eat together" her smile brightens . If there was one food that Kriya Singhania loved to eat the most, besides chocolate, it was fortune cookies. The wonderful, yummy and crunchy cookies. She had them first when Rey's dad took her out for dinning, it was after her classes when she ran into him while walking back to home. 

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