||.OS:Saiyaan..- The Innocent Love.||

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||.OS:Saiyaan..- The Innocent Love.|| 

Kriya opened the door to let him enter their house. A house she had renovated in his absence. It was a house not home for her until he had just stepped in.


Kriya and Rey had married 6 months ago. And due to a urgent situation of fire at Singhania's London branch Rey had to to to London that same night. Kriya and Rey had cried their hearts out that time before Rey had left. They had been dating each other for 6 years. Rey and Kriya's parents were not happy with their children's choice because they belonged to different religions. Rey was Punjabi and Kriya was a Bengali.

They both lived in Delhi when they met and became friends. 

Rey then moved to Mumbai to settle and extend Singhania firms to national n international level in Which he was successful. After Rey moved to Mumbai a year later Kriya got job in Mumbai in Singhania firms. They started.spending time with each other. They lived in the same building and went to office together. They started dating within 6 months . After 4 years Singhania firm was very successful. Rey just turned 27 and Kriya 25. It had been 6 years they knew each other n 5 yrs.of dating Rey thought it wad time for them to get married and settled. They had everything they wanted in life. Rey bought a 6 bedroom flat in Mumbai and gave the keys to Kriya and said they would start living there when they were married. It took them 8 months to convince their parents their love for each other. Finally after fighting and keeping them away for days they agreed and got them married within a period of 2 months. 


Rey stepped in the house, 1st time after their marriage. He saw tears in Kriya's eyes as she launched herself on him. 6 months had been very had. Talking everyday on phone and Skype had kept them going some how. Kriya for the 1st few days would cry a lot but them she had to understand that it was important for him to go cause she knew her crying had hurt him a lot.

Rey and Kriya hugged each other like they would never leave each other. A bell of the door had them to break the apart. It was the watchman of the building to give Rey's luggage form the car. He thanked him and gave him some money and locked the door behind him. He.turned to see a blushing and a teary Kriya. He went behind her and kissed her neck and trailed kisses up.her throat till her chin.

He gently turned her around and made her look at him. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Seeing the passion in Rey's eyes. Kriya blushed and hid herself in the crock.of his neck hugging him again. Rey pulled Kriya Back to look into her eyes.

His eyes.asking her weather to move forward or no. She said no and shook her head. She was nervous. She had to be . It was her 1st time. Rey leaned down and whispered in her ear "I love you Kriya and I.have missed you so much" 

"Please don't deny my love today" Rey said.holding her close to him.She felt love in his word . She felt his need his.desire.She rose on her toes kissed him.They had kissed numerous Times in 6 yrs but this was different. They felt their love for each other. They felt love. Rey turned her around n pinned her to the door of the apartment. 

"Rey aren't you hungry or tired?" she asked between his kisses. Rey just shook his head. "Rey" Kriya said breathless.

Rey pulled away to see a blushing Kriya in front of him smiling n blushing. His heart swelled up with pride thinking she was his...! He quickly kissed her n said "I'll have a shower till then make sure the dinners ready or u want to join me to "he asked winking at her. She hit him on his chest ans he replied "Aww maaro mat, apne pati ko koi maarta hai kya? Ab main tumhara boyfriend nahin pati hun abhi toh respect dedo." he completed in a cheeky tone. 

"Respect huh I'll show you respect" she said as she was behind him as he maid a run to go behind him. Chasing each other around they ended up in their bedroom. He caught her when she was chasing him to catch him.. They laughed n giggled . Kriya pulled Kriya on the bed and started tickling her. "No Rey please" she said . Their breathing Was hard when Rey stopped tickling her. He was on top of her. Leaning down he captured her lips in his.

He kissed her senseless like their lives depended on it like there was no tomorrow. He pulled back and kissed her forehead. "Let's have dinner "he said. She giggled. "What's funny?" he asked. 

"Its 3 in the night "she said. He didn't understand her logic but still joined her in laughing. He came out to smell of yummy dinner made by his wife. Came and sat down next to him. "You have made this house beautiful,just like you" he said. She had indeed done a wonderful job. She had been going to office and managing the renovations.

She had turned the 6 bed room house to a duplex with 2 pools one dinning room and living room and TV room. Rey didn't know they had this amount of space in the house.

Rey Kriya had a romantic dinner at 3 am the time they were finished it was 4:30 Rey helped Kriya clean the dining table. They were in the kitchen drying the dishes when Rey threw water on Kriya drenching he in water. Kriya turned around to see him laughing . Kriya was about to take some water & throw it on him when Rey caught her hand and pulled her closer to him leaving no place between them. He left her hand and leaned down to capture her lips that's when Kriya saw an opportunity and threw water on him. Taking him by surprise and ran away giggling. Rey had a smile on his face as he followed her out. She was still laughing as she ran and he chased her. He caught her when she was about to trip. "I will not let go of you now Kriya" he said in a voice that made Kriya go weak in her knees.

He finally picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom.He loved her all night n morning promising her to never leave her alone again ever and loving her till eternity...!

||The End||


A very many many happy returns of the day sheulibhattacharyya Dida!! May this day brings a lots of joy for you in the year ahead

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A very many many happy returns of the day sheulibhattacharyya Dida!! May this day brings a lots of joy for you in the year ahead. 🎊💝🎂🎁🎈🎉


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