Colour of Love

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Third person's POV

"Good night dad." wishing his dad, Rey strolled into his room lazily and shut the door. He slumped onto his bed, tired completely but couldn't sleep. He shuffled few times, but sleep was nowhere near. Sighing, he turned on his back and looked at the ceiling, thinking about the girl he loves... He smiled thinking how it all started.

It all started three months ago but at his dance class when he was paired to a girl. A girl whom he had a crush on since she had joined the class. He was happy for getting her as a partner for a routine to be taught by the teacher there.

They had been partners for almost 3 weeks and by then, he gathered the courage to ask her out and at the last day of their practice, he asked her out for a coffee and surprisingly, she agreed too. Though she had shown positive reactions to all the more-than-friendly acts while dancing, he didn't want to mistake anything and just let it pass.

At the date, they discovered that they stayed in the same society but their blocks were at the opposite ends of the society and that's the reason they never met. From then, the story started and now, it has been 2 months that they are dating with spending sometime after the class and then they would return to their home seperately.

Rey cuddled the pillow beside him, thinking how beautiful these 2 months were. Though Kriya is a reserved girl and she likes to take things slow, he absolutely loved her every act and found it adorable. Yes. Love! He realised last week that he is in love with her and how much important she is to him.

His smile faded and a sad expression covered his face when he recalled what happened 2 days ago. After realising his love for her, he didn't want to waste any opportunity to express his love. Holi, the festival of colours is what he enjoyed and loved the most and was damn excited, planning that he shall confess on this occasion since their society organises amazing holi party every year. Her being in the same society made his work even more easy.

But two days ago, when they were spending time together, which was a routine from 2 months, he started the topic of holi party and asked her if she is coming or not. His plans were all shattered when he heard her saying that it is their family ritual that they celebrate Holi in their village and she had to go there with the family. He was completely upset and just left from there without speaking anything.

He sighed, checking his mobile and just stared at the screen, where it was showing 34 unread messages from Kriya. She had been calling and messaging him since he had left but he didn't answer any of them. He was just so upset that he didn't want to talk anything. Tomorrow was choti Holi where they lit a fire in the evening and there was a dinner party following it.

He knew already that he is going to miss her badly because he already was. His trance was broken by the notification sound of his mobile and he looked at his phone to see a message from Swayam, his best friend who stays in the same building as his. He opened his chat, thinking he shall be distracted a little by talking to him.

Swayam- Hi! You der?

Rey- Yes.

Swayam- Did something happen to you?

Rey smiled faintly, realising how well Swayam knew him.

Rey- No.

Swayam- Really Rey? Now you started lying to me? I have seen you being upset since past 2 days. Tell me what's the matter!

Rey- Actually I had planned something for this year Holi but Alas! It cannot happen.

Swayam- Anything to do with the girl you said you are dating?

Rey- Yes yaar. I had planned to celebrate this holi with her but she isn't attending this party. Moreover, she will be out of the town... I thought even you all could meet her at the party.

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