Train Ride To Love

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The train continued on its tracks as I plugged my headphones in and tuned everything out.

I laid back in my seat and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep before arriving at my destination. I was nearly out when I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I ignored it for a moment until I felt it again a bit harder. Opening my eyes, I was surprised to see a little girl in the seat next to me. She looked to be around six years old and had tan skin and dark hair. I pulled out my earbuds and said Hi.

"Hi." she said back, smiling shyly.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Roshni." She responded.

"My name is Kriya."

"That's a pretty name." she said.

"Thank you. I like yours, too."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked all of the sudden. I was taken aback and it took me a minute to find my voice.

"Uh, no. I don't. Why do you ask?"

"The man in room four told me that if I found out for him he would pay me five dollars."

"Five dollars, huh?" I asked skeptically. Why would someone go through so much trouble just to find out if I had a boyfriend?

"Yup. He said that you were really pretty and wanted to ask you on a date."

I felt my cheeks warm up slightly as she continued her story.

"I don't really know what a date is but I think that it means he wants to kiss you."

Now my face resembled a tomato.

"I'm gonna go tell him that you're single!" she said jumping up and running out my door and down the hall.

"Okay..." I mumbled to myself and went back to my music.

A few moments later there was another tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes expecting to see Roshni again and screamed when I saw a man.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" he said quickly.

"It's okay. I just wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah. Anyways, my name is Rey."

"Rey." I tested his name. "Are you the guy who asked Roshni to-"

"Yeah...about that.... My brother made her do it. We were walking by and he wanted me to ask you but you looked so peaceful with your headphones in that I didn't dare and so he paid that little girl to come in and do it. I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it." I laughed.

"So, since you are single, would you like to join me for dinner in the dining car?"

"I'd love to." I responded.

"Great! It's a date!" he said lifting my hand so he could kiss the back of it.

"I'll see you then." he finished and stood up before waving and left.

I found myself still grinning ear to ear, just looking at my hands in my lap when I heard someone giggling by my door.

"You want to kiss him too, don't you?" Roshni asks with a sly smile.

"Oh come here you little-" I smiled and chased her, finally catching her and tickling her sides until I was sure that all of the other passengers on the train could hear her.

*The End*


Can't handle the heat? How about the freshness of blooming flowers? Yeah being totally philosophical sometimes. I'm crazy but you can't change the fact that you're addicted to me.

Question for all: What do you like more about KriYaansh OS? 


Coming up soon with some stories which will heal your pains away.... many of you are suffering from cold, fever & some toh are practically dying due to study pressure... tell me about it! Well see you soon with a new story till then keep loving... umm ME! *MUAH!*😘 


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