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The morning scene of the Mehra Mansion was no less than an abnormal household. The maid and the helpers were busy doing the morning chores whereas the king and queen of the place were busy, relaxing in each other's arms at the backyard of the bungalow, having their morning coffee and basking under the morning sunrays. Inside the bungalow, there was a person who was rushing down the stairs, running her hands through her hairs. She smiled at the helpers who greeted her good morning and wished back too.

"Good morning Kaka" she wished the cook, taking an apple from the fruits and munching on it in hurry.

"Morning Prachi bitiya! I think you are late again and trying not to be actually late by hurrying and skipping the breakfast?" He asked and she shrugged as if that's her routine, continuing eating the apple. She came out of the kitchen to see her brother sitting to eat breakfast. She smirked as she strode towards him and smacked his head from behind, making him curse under his breath and glare at her.

"Chote, you are going to be late... How many times should I say you that it is always important to be on time?" Prachi said, taking her bag from one of the chairs and hung it on her shoulders.

"I am not a younger brother, I am your twin! So stop ordering around and I know what's good and bad for me, stop bugging me!" Rey said irately, but deep down, he loved his sister more than anything else. Prachi poked a tongue out at him and took a bite from his plate of parathas, snatching his morsel too.

"Mummmaaaaaaaa" he shouted, irritated by his sister. She knew it was getting late yet, she wouldn't let him have breakfast and then, lecture him about time and punctuality.

"Scream all you want, you know where they would be" Prachi smirked, taking one last bite and going to the backyard, to bid bye to her parents... They came into her view, sitting on the swing at the garden, in each other's arms and enjoying the solace.

"Bye Mumma, bye Papa. See you guys in the evening!" She said shouting waving at them and her papa waved back at her, while her mother blew a flying kiss towards her. She turned back and entered the dining room once again, through which she could go to the main door to exit but her brother made her stop in her tracks.

"Let's see who you will bully around when my Jiju will come" he said teasing her.

"Oye invisible Jiju ke visible chamche, focus on your breakfast first" she said and rushed out, shaking her head. She smiled unknowingly, with the thought of her brother's invisible Jiju and how she didn't believe in all these things. Well, her parents were so much in love till date, after their successful love marriage but this is a defective piece Prachi! Unlike her parents, she believes in arranged marriages and doesn't think of love at all. She just doesn't understand the concept and complications of love and simply, be away from it too. She believes her parents too much, to leave the choice to her parents and enjoy life to the fullest!

Shaking her head off all the thoughts, she quickly slid into her car and drove off towards her college, humming the song playing in the radio.


Students were chatting with each other in a class, some of them running across the corridors to reach on time, professors getting ready to go to their classes ans some careless students just hanging around, but there was one girl who was restless and somewhat tensed.

"Where is he?" Sharon asked Kriya, who was sitting in front of her, and Sharon was sitting with her boyfriend Swayam.

"You know him Sharon" Swayam said sighing, shaking his head.

"The day he will come on time, will be a miraculous day!" Kriya added and Sharon turned back to the front, pouting her lips slightly. Soon the class started filling and the professor entered and the whole class got quite. She huffed thinking he will again be late and punished and bent down to take her book.

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