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It's 9:00 pm still some what early and it's starting to get dark. I am all by my-self, but you don't know that.
You are on a drive, just a get away drive, your tire blows, you pull off the road, not knowing where you are at.
You see a lane, and pray. You will walk this and hopefully you will be safe.
If only that damn cell phone didn't die. The lane is long and the night is starting to cool, finally u reach the house, the dogs have made sure that their is something to listen at. You ring the door bell.

I hesitate to answer, but I do. You tell me of your troubles, I believe and let you in,
My thoughts this stranger is, Oh, my God, so..., so..., oh god, have I been by my-self to long.
The rain had drenched him and shows all. I can't help but to stare, as he sees my eyes traveling across his body.

* * * * * * * *  

He sees her silhouette in the dimly lit room. Her figure is outlined by a light from off in the distance behind her, the details teasingly vague as her thin night gown flows in the gentle breeze from the door.
He notices her glance and all that it implies. His thoughts of repair assistance gives way to his instinct of connecting with a kindred soul who shares his yearnings and desires.
He moves closes to her and sees her trembling although it is he who is damp. Her offer to assist in making him more comfortable is obvious with out a spoken word.
Her look and touch relay volumes as she begins to unbutton his shirt. He stands upright and contained allowing her to proceed as she wishes, following the lead of the hostess.
She is more apparent now. The occasional light that flashes from the storm accents her features in black and white moments.
He notices her promise of her feminine features and the suggestion of her figure beneath her gown.
She has finished unbuttoning his shirt and has moved ever closer to him, reaching around to begin to pull his shirt free of his slacks, she hesitates when she feels his arms gently envelope her, pulling her even closer.
He notes the instance warmth and soft yielding of her body, a nice fit to his, as they end their first embrace...
She slowly pulls back and into an unnoticed shaft of light, immediately his eyes cath her gown, which has shared his wetness and now is cling to her and revealing details he had only imagined before.
He could now complete his vision o her image from head to toe. Her appearance was that of a dream I once had dreamed, a vision, soft, gentle.

The caring that her eyes showed, her eyes said more than just the need of an embrace.
You could see that there was much more. The storm outside began to rage with more furry...

The lightening allowed him to see for brief moments through the doorway into what seemed to be an empty house.
You could see her fear as she came closer, no words are spoken, but all has been said in her eyes. Still the vision of her (figure) shows through & I can't help to feel a yearning inside my self as well.

* * * * * * *

Does she see? Do I continue to approach? Have I went Insane? I had no idea that this was going to happen when I approached this house in need of a phone.
She reaches for me to move into the front room, to be able to close the door.
As the air of the storm has cooled the night. I follow almost numb, as I too have my own fear, there is a feeling of safeness, something I haven't felt in a long time.

The room was filled with the scent of lilac and candles that glowed to light the room, she moved me to the couch and as I sat, she leaned over, her gown had opened and fallen just slight enough for you to see.
Unaware of her body that seemed to be shimmering, with the flickering of the candles, I reached for her and pulled her to me.
I can't help to hear my breathing becoming shallow, my heart beating faster and as she lays now upon me.

I feel her heart beating as fast as mine, pounding on each other.
I feel as though I have had to much to drink as I become intoxicated with the scent of the oils and her softness next to my body.
Something Inside me wants to be unleashed an uncontrolled passion. She as well, Our bodies begin to twist and turn, arms envelope each other holding tight as our minds race and spin, with each kiss, my breath.
As we both seem to gasp for air. I never felt this strong and alive before. Do I plunge, she moves my hand slowly down her waist and she too slowly caress my chest, moving her hands along with mine.
Our hands moved into a warm and soft and ever so welcome place, we look into each others eyes and as to ask the question.

We both must have seen the fear and the uneasiness of what was about to happen. I looked into her eyes and spoke the words of gentleness, as two people move in the night and pass through a boundary, forbidden and yet so right.
I have been sent this road and you were here to answer my need and as we first glanced at one another.
Then there was more of a need that neither one of us could ever dreamed of.
As all these words came out, I felt her body closing in and she pressed hard against my body.
I felt as If I was about to explode, she began to unleash a furry in me, greater then the storm that still raged outside.

The rage of passion, almost savage. We moved our bodies hard against each other. What clothes we still had left on our bodies was ripped and thrown to the floor.
Her hands now around and holding tight, moving up and down and caressing my exposed torso.
I found my way to her soft thighs, toughing and feeling her excitement.
I lifted her and turn her to the couch and slide her down, going deep inside her, I nearly lost my breath, she gasped and let out a moan.
My hands are now clasped with her hands, I begin to unleash the rage, hold her closed, seeming some-what slamming my body against her, hard and fast.
I can feel her taking my ride, moving just as hard with me.
In the same movement we both let out the scream of rage that we had hidden inside to long.
The lightening lit the room, as we then could both see ourselves in that movement.
She fell limp upon the couch, as I too mow have collapsed, we both lay there, not a word is spoken.
The storm has seemed to let up a little.
But as we lay there holding on to one another, the night soon disappears and morning has shown its sunshine.
I must leave, no really wanting to.
Still holding on, to the darkness of the night...

The assistance that led me here is now to be taken care of.
As I go, we look into each others eyes and we can see that this road is to traveled again and again...


I was dying in this heat of 30 degrees & up toh socha ke main akeli kyun sadun iss garmi mein? Mere pyaare readers ko bhi sadna chahiye na mere saath.... Muahaha I'm the devil here now.

So I hope you enjoyed this hot & sensual OS & I will return soon with something even more delightful & exciting to read. Till then keep suggesting your opinions & I'll be back with a bang.


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