The Baby Shower & The Butterflies

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The air crackled with excitement as Rey and Kriya navigated through the bustling crowd at the grand ballroom. The plush velvet curtains, the crystal chandeliers, and the elaborate floral arrangements whispered of a lavish affair. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewed coffee hung heavy, adding to the festive atmosphere.

It was Sharon and Swayam's baby shower, a grand celebration for their soon-to-be-born little one. Sharon, the diva they all knew from college, had orchestrated the event with her signature flair, leaving no detail unattended.

'Look at her, glowing,' Kriya whispered, her eyes sparkling with admiration as she watched Sharon, radiant in a flowing white dress, receiving blessings and gifts.

'She looks like a princess,' Rey agreed, his own smile mirroring Kriya's.

Their hands brushed as they moved through the crowd, a familiar warmth sparking between them. They had been together for five years, their love story a tapestry woven with shared dreams, passionate nights, and countless adventures. They were each other's best friends, confidants, and lovers, a perfect blend of affection and fire.

'Ready for the baby shower games?' Kriya asked, her voice laced with a mischievous lilt.

'As long as they don't involve me trying to guess the size of the baby bump,' Rey chuckled, picturing himself failing miserably.

'Don't worry, they're all harmless. Mostly.' Kriya winked, leading him towards the games station.

The afternoon unfolded in a whirl of laughter, camaraderie, and heartfelt wishes for the soon-to-be parents. Rey and Kriya found themselves at the centre of it all, exchanging playful banter with Sharon's other friends, reminiscing about their college days, and congratulating the happy couple.

As the day progressed, the warmth of the celebration settled over Rey, stirring a sense of contentment within him. He looked at Kriya, her eyes sparkling with laughter, her hand gently resting on his forearm, and a feeling of deep affection washed over him.

'You're enjoying yourself, I can tell,' Kriya observed, her gaze meeting his.

'I am,' Rey admitted, his voice soft. 'Seeing Sharon and Swayam so happy, it's... heartwarming. Makes me think about our future.'

Kriya's smile faltered slightly, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. 'Our future,' she repeated, her words tinged with a quiet melancholy.

They had discussed their future countless times, their dreams for a life together intertwined. But the vision of children, of starting a family, was a topic they had cautiously avoided. Rey and Kriya both craved a life filled with travel, adventure, and the freedom to explore their passions. Parenthood, with its responsibilities and commitments, felt like a detour from that path, a potential disruption to the carefree rhythm of their lives.

'Are you ready for it?' Rey's question hung heavy in the air.

Kriya looked away, her fingers tracing the intricate pattern of her dress. 'I don't know,' she confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

'We don't have to rush,' Rey said, his words soothing, his hand gently cupping her cheek, turning her face towards him. 'We have time. We can explore, we can grow together, and when the time is right...'

'When the time is right, we'll know,' Kriya completed his sentence, her eyes meeting his, a spark of anticipation flickering within them.

Later, as the guests started to disperse, Rey and Kriya found themselves strolling through the gardens surrounding the ballroom, their footsteps echoing softly on the cobbled path. The setting sun cast long shadows, painting the world in hues of orange and purple.

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