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(AN: Sorry guys, I really am, hahah, but ever since the numbers of readers increased, I thought that well...I guess it's time that I improve Insomnia, do I put this? Well, you see, the chapters were a bit hurried, and I dunno why, but it feels like since you guys are reading it, then I should give it at my best and unfortunately, I didn't.  So, I think I'll redo the chapters, don't worry, it wont hurt the story, nor will I change the plot.  I'll just extend some things, add more descriptions and all that crap, haha, so it depends whether you wanna reread everything again, it's your choice really, but then again, please vote and comment if you liked the prologue,and lastly,  thanks again for the support! And if your reading this just now, dear reader, then good for you, at least you won't have the trouble of rereading every chapter again...hahah!!!!! Sorry again, if you were inconvenienced, it will never happen again.) 


There was a blood curling scream before I jolted upwards. 

Adrian quickly flipped his covers away.  He was holding a flashlight and a book, I guess he was reading Harry Potter again.  Sheesh, who reads in a middle of a brown out anyway? He immediately turned the flashlight off, and closed his book shut, causing a dull thud.

"You heard that?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

My brother, Adrian, had blond hair, just like mom, yet he also had dad's eyes, deep dark and brown. 

As for me, I took after dad's hair color, dark black and messy, and I mean seriously messy--like no amount of combing seemed to make it look any better.  I'd usually end up looking like a lion's matted rear end after every session alone with mom and her comb, which of course didn't improve things and my fashion statement.  As for my eyes, I had mom's.  Clear blue, distant and always a little sad.  That's how mom would describe them.  But what made my eyes look sad? Was it because blue was always the color that was close to being sad and gloomy?

Adrian worriedly looked at me, then at our window.  Somehow, I never liked that window, it was annoying.  In the morning, the sun glared through, making my eyes hurt, and at night, the moon shone so brightly, it illuminated the whole room that it kinda made sleeping impossible.  I mean, the light it provided now was enough for both of us to see each other in our under wears right now.

I decided to close my eyes and snuggle under the safety feel of my covers, hoping Adrian would do the same thing. 

Adrian Sean, it was the name that my mom gave which my dad surrendered with a gentle smile.  It's not like he couldn't do anything about's just mom finally got what she wanted, to have her son to be named after her, because I took after dad's name.  And it wouldn't be fair, it seemed, if both her sons took after dad's name altogether.  At least that's what she said, before she died and left all of us still mourning for her death.   

As for my dad, I guess he loved mom so much that he allowed his second son to be named after her.  Adrienne, yes, that was mom's name alright.  How long has it been anyway? Since I said her name without bringing so much of those painful memories back?

"Hey, Caleb, you heard it, right?" He asked again, this time leaping out of his bed and into our closet, he started gathering some clothes.

"No," I lied.  "I didn't hear anything.  So go back to sleep."

I scowled under my sheets.  What was he doing anyway?

I pushed those covers away and stared at Adrian with my teeth clenched.

To my luck, Adrian wasn't stopping, instead he threw my clothes that were hanged up neatly for tomorrow's funeral towards my face.  I guess I should say, my dad's funeral.   It made me sad again, naturally everything about dad made me sad.

I glared at Adrian and was about to give him a knuckle sandwich for doing that.  But I resolved not to, besides, it was too tiring to get up and punch the guy, I understood we were both going through a hard time, especially after dad's death and us somehow, living in fosters care, since mom was dead too anyway.  Not that the foster care was cruel or anything, and I was quite happy that I ended up with my girlfriend's family, they took us in like we were family already.  So what else could Adrian and I ask for?

But there was something wrong with Adrian it seemed.  He suddenly changed.  He wasn't himself for a time, he withdrew to his world, and somehow, in a way, he stopped talking, the light left his eyes...and he died. 

Just like mom and dad, all of them--dead.  I guess I was the only one who counted myself as the family member who fought for my life, I think if I was going to die, I'd rather get death physically and not at an emotional state, I mean, I can't just leave Adrian hanging even if he already did it to me first.

This was the first night I noticed that he ever said something, or anything longer than three words, which didn't surprise me, really.  I knew Adrian would get over dad's untimely death, since he knew this kind of behavior was immature, and in our world, being immature, would lead us to our deaths.  At least, that's what dad told me before he didn't come back home, for another night, another day.  Until, they found his body dumped over a lake near New Jersey, lifeless and suffocated with the murky water.  He drowned, that's what the police tell me.

I sighed, grabbed my jeans and wore them.  Putting behind every picture of my dad lying in the mud, his mouth filled with dirt, plastic and whatever disgusting trash that lake ever had in it. 

I then walked towards him, my patience reaching it's limit.  Keeping all my emotions in a bottle locked up tight in my heart was hard enough, and honestly, I wasn't really doing this for myself, this was also for Adrian's own good.  I promised him, I did, and and I wont break that promise tonight, I never will leave him the way mom and dad did.  I won't risk it, loosing all three of us would be hell enough for Adrian anyway.

"Dude, go to sleep.  We still have a lot of crying to do tomorrow." I reminded him, staring straight at his brown eyes.

He glared at me.  "Caleb, you have to follow everything I say from now on."

Another scream made the hair jump out of my skin.  "W--what?" I asked, momentarily distracted.  Alright, now I was certain I didn't dream of that scream. 

"Caleb, are you listening to me? You have to follow everything I say, I said.  There's not much time left."

My eyebrows knitted.  "Adrian, do you hear yourself?"

He put on his jacket.  "Look, there's not much time.  They're here, and they'll kill everybody in this town, unless we leave now."

"Adrian, calm done.  It's just a bad dream."

He roughly handed me my shirt and next was dad's jacket, a bag filled with clothes and maybe some can food were shoved into my already filled arms.  "Adrian," I said, wishing he would stop this nonsense now.  Besides, I was getting sleepy already.  "You must've dreamed of some nightmare." I reasoned, wishing he'd hear me out instead and go back to reading his Harry Potter book if he didn't want to go back to sleeping.  "Please," I begged.   "Get back to sleep."

He bit his lip, like he was stopping himself from yelling.  "You're wasting time Caleb! Wear those clothes I gave you and grab some shoes.  You have to wake your girl friend too, if you don't want her to die."

I closed my eyes in frustration and exasperatedly wore the clothes he gave me.  But I stopped, opening them again in a frightful state, because this time--another spine tingling scream filled the air.  Now this scream, it sounded like it was coming from a guy.  Yet his scream, that specific sound--it sounded worse than somebody in pain...he sounded like he was going to die.

"See? did you hear that? They're all here.  Why won't you listen to me?" He asked, grabbing me by my shoulders.  Let's go!" He said, dragging my hand. 

But I pulled my hand back. Now confused, and admittedly, a little afraid, and obviously, a little slow with my grasp of what the hell was happening.  And where were those screams coming from?

"Wait, who's here Adrian?" I asked.

His eyes shown worry, he looked so scared, but I knew he was trying to contain it for the sake of me.  "The ones who killed dad, Caleb.  They're here."

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