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(AN: I am sorry for the long wait, so many, many things to do in school, XD, anyway, please vote and comment, it is very much appreciated btw,)

I leaned to the side of the car, sleepiness now overcoming me.  Somehow after all that adrenaline rush leaving my veins I now felt the effects of weariness.  And the worst part? I can't get myself to close my eyes peacefully, their faces would appear and I'm forced to leave my eyes wide open, like if I keep them closed for a long time, the zombies would appear and eat me up raw. 

Talk about nightmares.

I then fidgeted in my seat, heaving out slow breaths, Trying to get everything I felt processed in and what I was seeing.  I'm not sure as to where we were going now, since Mikael over here tells me that I should trust him and that he actually knows where he is going.  And I guess I should be glad, like really glad he knows what he was talking about, because well, I didn't have a better option did I?

"Mikael," Kit Kat whispered, and suddenly I went stiff.

By the way, if you aren't aware, Kit Kat was sitting at the front seat with Mikael, so I guess it was quite nice to eavesdrop on them, and yup, I know that's bad but I was bored, like seriously really bored that I wouldn't mind screaming everything I feel right now unto the wind.  Even if it will well, catch every zombie's attention within a ten mile radius.

Mikael promptly looked at her, "yeah?"

Kit Kat inhaled, like what she was gonna say next had something to do with the end of our world.  Aha, I think I just laughed at what I ironically said.

"Where are you taking us, Mikael?" She asked, trying to keep her voice nowhere near hostile.  She continued, "I would expect that this is not some kind of trap.  Caleb has gone through a lot more hell than you've ever realized."

Mikael exhaled.  "Still don't trust me huh? I don't blame you, in fact, I don't have any right to get mad at you Kit Kat.  Besides, if I were in your shoes I might just kill myself in total distrust." He replied, his voice sounding more sympathetic and sad.  Like he was totally regretting everything he had to do with the government.

Kit Katpursed her lips, she then folded her arms and immediately glanced back at me, and well, since my reflexes were a bit slow she caught me leaning forward, ears and eyes leering at both of them attentively.  To save my face, I let my back hit the seat with an intent frown set on my lips.  "yeah, where do you plan on taking us?" I asked, my voice husky and course.

Kit Kat raised an eyebrow and went back to her seat.

"We're gonna have to head back to your house Caleb." He answered rather slowly, like if he was gonna speed up at any rate, he might end up with me biting his fingers on half.

"Why my house? Is it the cure you want?" I asked bitterly, my throat tightening as the memories of my brother flooded my mind.

Mikael nodded, "Not only that, we'll have to secure it, check out your house for some clues by the way--"

"Clues?" I asked dubiously while cutting him with his statement.  "Why would you need to look for some clues?"

Mikael breathed, "Because Caleb, I'm sure they had to head back to your house to take all the equipment, info and data.  And since they now hold your brother, it'll be easier for them now."

I sighed, my eyes trailing the night sky with the longing to hear my brother's voice.  I've actually missed him, even if our last encounters were more of crazy really.  Geez, I'd give anything to be with him again, even if it means my already danged life.

"What makes you think my brother would easily give in and give them the cure anyway Mikael?"

Mikael snorted.  "They always get what they want in the end, Caleb."

I closed my eyes, my fists clenching harder and harder.  Would Adrian tell them? Would he give them that kind of important info? Because that would totally suck.  And what would they do to him if they would force the answer out of him forcibly?

Already, I could hear their threats, and my brother's responses with blood in his teeth.  I then suddenly paused, my breathing stopping along with my fast series heartbeats. 

Those red eyes of his...

Those eyes of his...

And my gold eyes...

The effects of the cure have accelerated for the past few days, I have unconsciously observed.  Somehow, he turned more aggressive, and maybe, delusional--but still, at some way or another, his character changed, not to mention, that eerie glow in his eyes might mean that--I gulped even if there wasn't anything to swallow.

It's the cure, there was something in that cure that was able to blend in his system, turning him into what he was becoming.  And he was in their custody, which would mean big trouble for them.  If those effects continually accelerate, then maybe he would have some kind of chance to escape them.

I rubbed the space between my eyebrows, my head was starting to ache.  And if he escapes? Where in the hell would he be going? He's just 14 years old! A kid! And they will hunt for him, they would! If they can't have me, then Adrian would be their next big thing!

I slumped, and my hand found the handle, I squeezed tight and I could hear the metal crunch underneath my power.

I exhaled, and then breathed in, suddenly realizing something.

Wait, did I just make the metal crunch...underneath my strength? I glanced at the handle, and I let go, sweat pouring from my face.  Okay, this was totally weird. 

How on earth did I do that?

"Caleb," Kit Kat stated.  "What have you done...?"

I stared at her blue eyes and I felt the fear wash over me.  Does this mean that it wasn't really the adrenaline rush that helped me destroy the padlock? It's this cure after all? Why I was able to crumple this metal handle in a hardened grip was because of the cure, too? Well, you can't blame it on the adrenaline rush now, can you?

The metal handle looked like a piece of crumpled candy wrapper, not to mention, it looked like Hulk was here and decided to play along with the car door's handle.

I blinked.  This is nuts.  Seriously nuts.

Oh dad, what in the hell is in that cure of yours?

I asked myself as thought after thought swallowed every fiber in my body with doubt and panic.  But I guess it's better this time, at least I'm not turning into a zombie again eh?

(AN: *bow* and that's the epilogue.  Kill me I know, it's quite short don't you think? Oh well, hopefully you will like this, oh and may I ask, would it be okay that in the second book I'll change the POV into Kit Kat's?)

InsomniaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon