"I need to lie down."

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i don't know what to title these so it could be something like this or a song title idek man but anyhoo go on and read!

Kylie felt bad for leaving Ashton there, but she had bigger priorities currently. Thoughts of Luke flashed through her mind, memories she forgot she had. She finally reached her apartment door, somehow managing to put the key in to unlock it. She flung the door open, and inhaled deeply.

"Jesus fuck!" She heard her roommate, Emma, excalim. She made eyecontact with said roommate as Emma closed the pantry door-thing. "You know, a little knocking would do you some good. I thought I was getting robbed." Emma spoke, bending down to pick up their dog.

"I feel robbed." Kylie admitted, slumping on the couch. "Do you mean actually robbed or like, emotionally robbed?" Emma asked, sitting next to her panicked best friend. "Emotionally. Do you know who I just saw outside?" Kylie asked, Emma shaking her head. "I saw Luke." Kylie said, and Emma stroked the dog in her lap in shock.



"How are you still alive?" Emma sighed, standing up to look for the remote. "All I know is, I need to lie down." Kylie shook her head, and went off to her room to, like she said, lie down. She closed her door halfway, and opened her window curtains. She looked to see if she could see Luke, or Ashton. After not seeing either, she continued to look at the city she's lived in for the past four years.

She couldn't help but think of the person she lived the city with, and how hard he would try to get her to 'explore' with him, or to try something new.

Kylie shook her head, and saw the bustle of the street. It was only 12:06, after all. She looked at all the different people, and thought about how they each all have different thoughts, different experiences, and that they would never see these other people probably ever again.

"Are you being emo in your room? What is this, eighth grade?" Kylie's thought process was interrupted by Emma. "Shut up, bully. Let me be emo." Kylie mumbled, and felt her bed dip. "I won't let you. As your best friend and roommate, it's my job to make sure you don't get too emo. And to make sure you shower." Emma told her brown eyed friend.

"Besides, I'm making tacos and inviting our friends over. Ashton included." Emma wriggled her eyebrows, making Ki scoff. "He probably hates me for leaving him in the middle of the street. And, I really don't want to third-wheel with you and Calum." Ki admitted, remembering all the times she's had to suffer being alone with the two, and shuddered.

"That's what Michael and Ashton are for. Besides, I'm inviting Celeste and Donna over too." Emma said, and with that she left to go get dressed, considering she was still in a tank top and sweatpants. Ki figured she should do the same, but couldn't be bothered. She remained in her denim shorts and old camp shirt. She put on socks, because it bothers Emma when she doesn't. "That is how you get sick!" Emma would always scold.

Ki looked in the mirror, making sure she didn't look as bad as she felt. She moved her bangs over, and sighed. Good enough, she thought. She heard the front door open and close, and heard Calum and Michael's voice. Kylie stood up, and walked out of her room. She saw Emma next to Calum, now wearing a gray crop top with three little stars stitched on her upper left boob, and some regular skinny jeans. And socks, of course.

Ki mentally rolled her eyes, but went to greet the boys. "Long time no see, Michael." Ki said as she walked by, to the couch. She got control of the remote, and turned on the tv. She put on something she figured could be good background noise, so put on Friends.

She stood up, and went to the kitchen. She looked for her dog, and picked him up. "There you are, Pants. We don't need you getting stepped on." Ki cooed, petting him. She held the tiny dog as she greeted Celeste, and then again to Donna. Pants eventually got taken away by Donna, so Ki had to twirl her faded lavender hair to keep her hands busy.

She heard a knock, and went to open it, and saw Ashton standing there. "Oh, hey Ashton!" Ki tried to sound cheerful, and hugged Ashton. "Don't leave me this time, okay? Do you know how awkward it was for me to stand there with my former best friend after his ex just ran away?" Ashton chuckled, and Ki blushed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just, I hadn't seen him in so long, I wasn't ready to see him again." Ki said, closing the door after Ashton walked in.

"Hey guys, we're playing Twister!"

that was 830 words, rip me. also yes the dogs name is pants okay don't attack me
also don't expect every chapter to be this long and this consistent bcos im shit at writing lolol
also thirteen reads?? im?? so???

okay gbye now my precious readers!

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