a proper ending

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"Kylie, shut up. You look great." Emma grumbled, the older girl looking over herself in the mirror nervously. "You look like a star. You are one. You are every star ever made put into one body." Emma supported, making Ki giggle. "I can't believe I'm getting married." She sighed, Emma rolling her eyes.

"Everest! Eden! Come here!" Emma yelled, Ki wincing. Two small bodies came tumbling towards the pair, Eden tripping over her legs. "I can't believe you had another kid in the time it took me to plan my wedding." Kylie laughed, and Emma scoffed. "I'm not wasting any time here. I'm 27 now. You're like... ancient already. Grandma." Emma bullied, and Ki chuckled.

"Hey, the ceremony starts in two minutes." Calum's head popped in through the door, and Emma nodded, blowing a kiss at him as he walked out again. The two girls faced the mirror, Ki smoothing down her dress. "Okay, don't freak out, but a lot of celebrities are probably here. You know, since Luke is like, half of a rock star." Ki sighed nervously at that, and grabbed her bouquet.

"Let's do this."

By the time they got to their vows, Luke was crying. It was small at first, but then it turned into little hiccups that had Ki welling up too.

"I p-promise to love you with everything in me. I vow to never leave your side, through g-good and bad. There will never be a day where you'll think I don't love you. I'm going to make my devotion to you k-known every morning and every night. Whatever I have is y-yours. I am yours. Forever and always." Luke kept stuttering, but Ki sighed happily anyways.

"I promise to support you through everything, no matter what. Maybe not murder. Still, you will always have me by your side. Through everything you will go through, I will be right there. I vow to love and cherish you with every fiber of my being, with every part of me. As time will go by, my love for you will only strengthen; I swear to you. Until the end of time, I am yours."

Then they sealed the deal and kissed, Ki smiling into it as she listened to the noise of the crowd cheering in the background. She pulled away, and cupped her husband's face. She wiped away the remaining tears he had left, and he smiled at her. "I love you." He said, and she chuckled. "I hope so. We just got married." They both laughed, Ki's shoulders easing. "You ruin everything." They walked away from the alter, catching up with their friend group.

Ki tapped the mic, addressing the crowd. She cleared her throat, and began her speech.

"God, I'm so nervous right now. Thank you all for coming to Luke and I's wedding. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting us today, I hope you'll always be supporting us. I'd like to thank Luke's parents, for making him, and I'd also like to thank mine for making me. Next I have to thank Emma, my maid of honor, for introducing us in the first place. We're reaching 20 years, ugly. I cannot skip over Michael and Ashton and Calum, thank you guys for being supportive of Luke and I dating.

"I need to thank our friends, for watching Luke and I struggle but always telling us to try again, that it'd be worth it in the end because we were meant to be. You guys were right. And thank you all for coming, again. Now I have to thank Luke. Thank you for looking at me and thinking 'I'm gonna marry that'. Thank you for letting me fall in love with you, thank you for never giving up. I love you, babe. Always will. Thank you." She sat down, the crowd erupting into cheers, clapping.

Luke held her hand as she sat down, and Ki felt a few tears drop. "I love you too." He kissed her cheek, and they went back to eating.

"Hey uglies! Ki's about to throw the bouquet!" Emma yelled, a little drunk. Ki chuckled, and stood up to the stage. She looked back, and aimed her flowers.

"Emma, you're already married- you can't participate."

"Don't tell me how to live my life, thanks."

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