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I pulled away from Luke, smiling up at him. "Can't wait to see how I feel about you tomorrow." I joked, him scoffing playfully. We eventually made our way back inside to see everyone sitting in a circle: "Is this a sacrifice?" I asked warily, and Emma turned to look at us. "We need a virgin. Luke, now is your time." Emma snorted, and Luke sighed sadly. "I always get bullied every time I step in this house." Luke sat down, me sitting to him.

"Technically, it's an apartment."


As it turns out, it was not a ritual. Calum was just playing some songs on his guitar, and Luke scooted over to him so they could sing together. Michael stumbled out of the bathroom and joined in, Ashton deciding to join in too. Emma put on the flashlight on her phone, and waved it through the air slowly. I recognized a song that had made me feel too many emotions play, and made eye contact with Luke.

"Making plans to rule the world, you were more than I deserved."

"Never thought that it would end."

"Holding on to memories, and I can't let go-"

The group all joined in to sing the chorus, me scooting next to Emma, trying to get her attention. "Hey." I said, and she smiled goofily at me. "Hey. You know Luke wrote this song for you, right?" Emma asked, and I nodded. "Yeah. I know." I glanced at the said-blond-devil, and noticed how dedicated he looked when he sang.

"5sos needs to make a comeback."

"Preach. I need to make textposts screaming about them again."


Emma winked at me, me rolling my eyes. The song finished, and they moved on to another one. "Aw, this is your song!" I squealed fake-ly, Emma rolling her eyes at me. "Calum says this really emo thing like 'even before I met you I knew someone would walk into my life and I would've never known why or how'. Something like that." Emma cut herself short, resting her head on her hand as she listened to Calum and Luke sing along to 'End up Here'.

"You're not as edgy as this girl, though."

"Nah, I met Calum over the interwebs."


"I thought you said weed."

Suddenly Celeste chimed in, saying "weed?" excitedly, me shaking my head sadly at her. She then whispered to Holly, who sighed loudly. "Maybe we should move apartments. I think weed is just a permanent smell here now." I said go Emma, and she nodded. "Well, I'll be moving in with Calum, so by law you're moving there too." Emma hummed, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"By law?"

"Yes. Best friend Law."

"Well, okay."

And soon, our moment was broken by Calum sitting down next to Emma. "Mike and Ash are gonna sing now." He informed, and I laughed. "Cake vs. Mashton." Emma said, Calum scoffing. "Oh god, I haven't said those words since I ran a multi fandom account four years ago." Emma cringed, me rolling my eyes. "Where's Luke?" I asked, and he suddenly sat next to me. "I saw there was tater tots." He said, and I reached to his plate to grab some.

"Only because I love you." He said, and handed me his plate, getting up to presumably make another plate. "I own him." I said mainly to myself, Emma sighing. "Hey, Ki." Emma got my attention, and I looked up after having my moment with the tots.

"Would you wanna like, be this little child's godmother?" Emma asked hopefully, me almost dropping my tator tots. "Oh, my god. Really? I mean, of course!" I was honestly surprised, and she tackled me in a hug. "Oh my god, I need a name for it." Emma suddenly realized, staying on the ground. Which, we were here to begin with, but still.

Luke finally came back, holding another plate of tater tots. "Hey, what was it we were gonna name our kid?" I asked, and Luke's eyebrow shot up. "God, I thought you didn't like talking about that?" He whispered, and I shrugged. "It's whatever." I said, and he cleared his throat. "I believe it was almost Simon." He said, and Emma hummed. "I want a girl." Emma thought out loud, and I looked over to Calum.

"That'd be so cute." He said, laying down next to her on the floor. "Oh, we need to announce all of this. Online, and to our family. God, I don't want to have to call my mother. If any of my family to our wedding, it's gonna turn real Hispanic up in there." Emma rambled, suddenly sitting up. "Aw, I cant wait to see your mom again."

"You're such a bad liar."

"You love it."

I turned to Luke, catching him mid-chew. "How've you been, anyways? God, I never asked you how your life has been." I sighed, and he put his plate down. "Well, my apartment is finally fully furnished. Uh, my phone hasn't broken. That's good. Oh, and we started talking again. So, nothing to complain about." Luke hummed, and I nodded awkwardly.

In this light, I could really focus on every feature on Luke. The curve of his nose. The fullness of his lips. The way his eyebrows are somehow decent. He looked up, and I stared right into his eyes.

Before I knew it, I ended up closing my bedroom door behind me as Luke pinned me to the door, kissing me aggressively.

"They're fucking!"

I groaned, Luke's head picking up. He whipped out his phone, and I saw him send a message to Michael. 'Shut the hell up', and he turned to face me again.

"I missed you." He said, me smiling lazily at him. "I miss you, too." I put my hand on his chest, scratching lightly, him giggling. "I wish I could stay like this forever." Luke said softly, looking at me. "We could. It'd be really uncomfortable, but we could do it." I mused, him laughing loudly. "Hey, you have really nice teeth." I said suddenly, Luke chuckling.

"Shoutout to braces, I guess."

"Oh, shut up."

We stayed like that a little while longer, me trying to inhale everything about Luke. "I love you." I admitted, Luke saying it back. "No, like, I love you. Like, you could probably murder someone and I'd still love you. Maybe not. Still, nobody's perfect. Anyways, I'm terrified. It terrifies me how much control you have over me, Luke." I rambled, Luke running his fingers through my hair.

"I'd never kill anyone. Unless they hurt you. Besides the point. God, Ki, you want to talk about how much control we have over each other? Everything I see reminds me of you. I saw a fire hydrant the other day and I remembered when you told me that story of Emma breaking one when she ran a bike into it, the little way you laugh as you speak every word. I look out the window and I see the Sun, and I think of how much brighter my life was with you in it.

"I never should have let you go. I should've stopped you. We could've worked it out." Luke had tears in his eyes, and I used both of my hands to grab his face. "Hey, hey? Luke? It's okay. I forgive you. You've changed, right? You were a different person back then. We both were. But, we have each other now. You'll never lose me again." I said, looking him in the eye as I said everything.

He kissed me, my arms finding their way behind his neck, pulling on his hair slightly. He laughed, and his voice got a lot deeper than when I just heard it not even a minute ago. He pulled away, and we ended up just breathing together heavily together on the bed.

"Do you wanna go out again?"

it's 6:17 in the morning i want to die

anyways first off this book has like 327 reads whomst the fuck-
second, i didnt want to end on a cliffhanger but i'm tired and it hurts to blink
third- i just listened to six hours of 5sos my ears are blessed

and fourth- i need followers on ig because i keep loSing them so pls follow me @ rosegal.emma SORRY
okay ily guys
also don't drag the name i chose for kuke's almost child alright i'm tirEd

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