"I wanna talk about myself."

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"We are not having a road trip. That's just- no. I don't want to spend a whole twelve hours with other people. No." I exhaled, and Emma scoffed. "Bully." I hummed, and started the car again to go back to Calum's house. "Well, start booking plane tickets? Or, because you're in a very pretty state, stay here in California? You can literally get married down on the beach. We are in freakin' Malibu." I said, and Calum hummed in agreement.

"That too. Either way, you need to call your family and let them know. I don't have to worry about family because I don't associate myself with them, but I do need like- bridesmaids." Emma grumbled, and Calum began his calls. "Hey. Psst. Ki." Emma whispered, pressing her nails into my bare arm. "Ow, what do you want?" I replied bitterly, and she smiled dumbly at me. "Wanna be my maid of honor?"  She asked, and I laughed. "Of course, Em.
You need some more bridesmaids though." I replied, and she smiled again.

"Donna? Celeste? Holly? Opal? Oh, my god I should invite Nova. That's it, I'm inviting Nova. Ugly weave ass bitch. She can suck my fucking dick with her uneven eyebrows looking like 2016 Bella Thorne-" Emma started, but I steadily cut her off. "You also need a dress. And a marriage-law-thing." I reminded her, and she cursed. "Can't we just tweet "We're married" and that's that?" Calum groaned from behind me, and I pulled up to his garage.

"Let's decide after we unpack the bags."

Almost an hour later, we huddled on Calum's couch, drinking tea Emma recently made. "Okay, so are you guys having the wedding-wedding here?" I asked, and took out the notebook I apparently had just fucking around in my purse. They looked at each other and nodded. "Big or small event?" I asked, writing down their previous answer. "I'm thinking small, maybe like one or two pictures on social media." Emma said, and Calum agreed. I wrote that down too, and asked them more questions.

"Now, we need a date and a guest list. And tables, and a venue, and a cake and an entertainer-" I frantically said, and Emma shushed me. "I don't need all of that, unless Calum wants that. When did you get so stressy over weddings anyways?" Emma mused, and I shrugged.

"Okay, anyways, I'm not walking down the aisle unless it's to the piano version of This is Gospel, just a heads up." Emma said, and I sighed. "Figured. Calum, any requests?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Cool. So, nothing special? Just a dress, an arch and like, pizza?" I asked, and Emma nodded. "I don't need much. Just need Calum." She spoke, looking at Calum.

"Okay, anyways. Emma, you still need to come home because I am having a dilemma which I couldn't tell you about earlier because we were talking about you-" I managed to get out before Emma stood up and walked out. "Oh- oh. Well, bye Calum." I said, and walked out after Calum. "Emma, what the hell. Just leave your fiancée out there like that, I guess." I got into the passenger seat, and Emma had her head on the steering wheel.

"I'm gonna get married."

"Yes, we discussed this."

"No, but like, for the rest of my life."

"Kind of the idea there, Emma. Hurry up and drive, I wanna talk about myself." I finished, and Emma laughed. "Oh God, should I wear a long dress or a short dress or traditional or modern-" Emma started, but I cut her off by putting on some music. "Ooh, Harry Styles. If it's not Only Angel I don't want to hear it." She said, and in spite I put on Kiwi. Emma nodded, yelling when was necessary to the song.

We soon reached our apartment, and Emma bent down to look for Pants. "Where's our dog? I only came back for our dog." Emma huffed, and I groaned, calling Ashton and cancelling the dog-sitting. "Pants should be here in about twenty minutes. Okay, it's me time." I told Emma, and she sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her.

"Okay, so Luke came here earlier and I was like, okay whatever, but then he started ACCUSING me of making him emo and stuff, and then I hit him with cold hard facts about the therapy I went to because of him and he got all upset about it! Like it's my fault or something! Anyways, it really buttered my eggroll so I kind of said I wish I'd never had met him and then that was the last thing I said to him." I monologued, and Emma exhaled. "Jeez, okay. Well, first of all, fuck Luke for just attacking you like that.

"Second, it's good that you reminded him of what he did to you, because it was real and you had to go through that. If he thinks he can brush off the emotional trauma you basically went through then he has another thing coming. Greasy ass pillowcase. Anyways, I can't believe he just thought it was okay to just come in here, and disrespect you like that. Right in front of my salad, too. Anyways, um, I should tell you that I had been helping him try to win you back and I basically helped him put his life back together but I stopped!" Emma informed, and I scoffed.

"Pillowcase? Also, wow, I can't trust anyone now a days. Interesting." I faked anger, and stood up to go to my room. "Yeah, pillowcase- only good for the night time. And- okay?" Emma asked, and I turned to look at her. "Never have been, never will be." I smiled, and she rolled her eyes. "Join the club." Emma stood, and went to the balcony. "I just like, want to start a garden. I want a house. I'm tired of not having a backyard. I don't want a big house, but I want a house. I want a big kitchen, and a big bathroom and nice rooms and wood floors and tall walls and a nice backyard-

"Oh shit. I want the domestic life."


anyways um i don't know how i'm going to continue after this lol


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