"I've got other things to do."

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yall this chapter is gonna be in luke's pov-thing after he sees ki with ashton k okay

Luke still stood after Ki ran away, too stunned to do anything. He blinked a few times, and looked at Ashton. "So, Luke. How've you been?" Ashton asked, and Luke scoffed. "Oh you know, the usual. Can't sleep. Broke. No job. Thanks for asking." Luke said sarcastically, not caring about the hurt look in Ashton's eyes.

"You and Ki, huh?" Luke asked bitterly, raising an eyebrow. "No, no, nothing's going on there, man. I promise. We were just going to get some more laundry detergent for her and Emma." Ashton said, and Luke hummed. "I assume Emma and Calum are still okay? Of course they would last, the ones who met online at first and didn't meet a whole year into their 'relationship'. Good for them." Luke spat, looking at the broken watch on his wrist.

"Anyways, as fun as this was, I've got other things to do. By that I mean nothing, but it would be better than this. Goodbye." Luke said sourly before turning around and going to his apartment. After a few minutes of walking, he reached the worn-down building, unlocking his door. He kicked his shoes off, and sat on his couch that sinked with the weight of Luke.

He couldn't help but think of Ki. Kylie. The girl who reminded him to stay grounded. The girl who rocked his world when they first met, and who ripped his world in half when she left. He remembers how poorly he treated her in their final days, even though he didn't mean to. He was trying to do what he thought best. He didn't mean to push her away.

Now, seven months later, he realizes what a fool he was. It's what keeps him up at night.

He gets up to go to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of beer, and opening it. A skill he's not proud to have achieved.

He remembers how Ki felt about drinking. How much she hated it, and hated whenever Luke would drink. He stopped drinking for her, and now, ironically- started again because of her.

He laughs out loud because even though they're not together anymore, she still controls his life. Everything he does now is because of her. He is the way he is because of her. But he knows he can't blame her too much, considering he drove her to break up with him.

He tried to talk to Ashton about it, but all Ashton had said was "Take it easy man, be glad you have her." And took another swig of his drink. Luke scoffed thinking about Ashton, his former best friend. He knew Ash always had a thing for Ki, even when they first started dating. Luke overlooked it, only caring about Ki's well being.

Now all he cares about is whether Ash has tried to make any moves on her.

Luke remembers when they were all a band. The good old days, when they were young and attractive and had it all. Even though they're on 'hiatus', Luke can't help but feel as though he wasted his young life.

He remembers being seventeen. Eighteen. All those stupid nights with Mike and Cal and Ash. The keeks. The twitcams. The music videos. If he tries hard enough, he can even remember the names of fans who consistently showed up. He remembers his old girlfriends before Ki. Arzaylea. Aleisha. They were nothing compared to Ki.

He remembers first meeting Ki, when he got introduced to Emma after she was announced as Calum's girlfriend. She had brown hair at the time, but she still stood out. He remembers how Emma made an effort to get Ki and Luke to talk, awkwardly. "Hey Luke, this is Ki, she's shy and likes dogs." Was all Emma said before going to meet Michael.

They hit it off after that, the memories becoming more vivid with each swig Luke took. He knew he should stop, but he just couldn't. Not when he was finally blessed to see Ki again today, to know she's okay.

God, even after seven months she still looked like the girl of his dreams. She was different, but he still knew her as the girl who fell off countless beds and had green walls in her bedroom at her family house.

Luke stood up with a slight shake, feeling a high he hadn't felt in a while. With all these memories, he came to one realization:

He needs Ki. He doesn't need anybody else, he doesn't need alcohol, and he doesn't need therapy.

And he sets it in his mind to change, for her- to be the boyfriend he once was.

No, a better one.

ew that ending was shit anyways okay i got two things to mention

two- in the beginning when luke was talking to ashton about emma and calum's relationship im hinting at a new ff im making that goes with this book (-;;;;

also i love being in this story like that sounds vain or whatever but i really love it

also ew i had to type arzaylea watch me jinx their breakup and they end together again yike

anyways tell your rat friends to read my book and comment! i love comments! voting is nice too but like what is it for?? why do we vote?? why are we here?? what purpose do we have to be on this earth at this time in the century with these-


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