"Too little too late."

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I nudged my way past him into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I sighed, trying to take as long as I could. I could still see Luke's shadow under the door, meaning he was waiting for me. Luckily, I had my phone.

It's been twenty minutes.

I can't feel my ass.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, waiting for you to leave!"

I flushed the toilet, and angrily washed my hands. "Stop stalking me." Was all I said as I tried to walk away. "We need to talk." He reached out to grab my arm, but I flinched away. "There's nothing to talk about. You're a douchebag and I hate you." I said simply, and he sighed. "You know that's not true. I brought Petunia here and I think she loves Michael more than she loves me." Luke said sadly, and I looked out the hallway to see Petunia on Michael's lap.

"It's because he's new. She knows she lives with you, she knows she can go home to you and you'll be there. She trusts you." I explained, and Luke half-smiled at me. "We used to be like that." He said softly, and I scoffed. "Then you turned into an egotistical asshole." I stated, Luke exhaling. "I'm sorry! Okay! I know I messed up, but can you just get over it already?" He said desperately.

"Fuck you. I'd rather screw a blender than 'get over' what you did to me." I blinked back tears, and he finally seemed to give up. "I... I miss you. Please, Kylie. I'll do whatever it takes." He begged, and I turned to look at him. "Too little too late, Luke." I said softly, turning to walk away again.

I stopped halfway, and turned around to look at Luke.

"I hope you'll be happy again, Luke. I really do. I just don't see me being apart of that happiness. All we do is fight, you make me want to tear my hair out, and I- I just love you so much." I almost sobbed, and he walked closer to me. "I literally don't know what to say to that. If I say something too sensitive you'll call me emo, if it's too harsh you call me an asshole. I don't get you." He said, pulling my head into his chest.

"Oh, my god. They're reconciling in front of a whole bathroom. I hate white people." I heard Emma say, and Luke and I turned to face her. She gave me a thumbs up, and disappeared. "Emma's probably going to have a party tonight, to celebrate her kid or whatever." I said, looking up at him. "Damn, I forgot how tall you are." I took a step back, and cleared my throat.

"See you later, Luke."

As soon as I knew I was out of eyesight, I ran towards Emma, almost tackling her to the ground. "You need to have a party. Tonight." I spoke seriously, her blinking in confusion a couple of times. "I mean, I guess?" She agreed, and I sighed in relief. "I can't believe you used the word 'reconciling'. English nerd." I mentioned, and Emma laughed. "And it's not even my first language." She hummed, and I rolled my eyes.

I caught up with Petunia, accidentally sitting on the remote and turning on the TV.

Soon enough, I found myself engrossed in whether or not Gina and Phil were going to choose the house that's in their price range or the house with a full fence. "You loser. I can't believe you like these shows." Luke startled Petunia, who was sleeping in my lap, me not even flinching. "Shut up." I said, and the show went to commercial. "Okay, what's up?" I asked, and Luke shook his head.

"Just checking on my dog."

"You had a good opportunity to say 'my bitch'; I'm disappointed that you didn't say it."

"Oh, shut up."

Emma did, in fact, have a party.

Celeste and Holly actually cried when Emma told them she was pregnant, and Donna gasped. "Wow. This is going to be the most attractive baby ever." She said, Emma exhaling. "If it looks anything like me, it's screwed. Calum, however, is like a gold mine. Anything from him and you're blessed for life." Emma said sort-of-fondly, Calum coming up behind her.

"Was that a compliment I heard?"

"Won't be the last."

I gagged, and turned away to looked for any better company. I found Luke near the kitchen, beer bottle in hand. "I feel like, because Emma can't drink, you shouldn't either." I said, snatching the drink from his hands. "I mean, I guess." Luke said kind of sadly, and I struggled not to laugh. "So. Fancy seeing you here." I said, and Luke rolled his eyes.

"You basically invited me."

"Besides the point. Wanna go talk outside?"

I walked with Luke to the balcony again, trying to be as discreet as possible. I closed the door behind me, not wanting Pants or Petunia to come outside and smell like the wind. "So, I wanted to apologize. Sort of. I'm sorry for saying that I wish I'd never met you, and I'm sorry for being so harsh about the emotional trauma you put me through." I said in one breath, gasping at the end.

"I'm sorry for causing you emotional trauma. If it makes you feel better, you really mind fuck me every time we argue. It's like, with you, I can never do anything right. And some days, you like me, some days- you don't. You just- you confuse me." Luke rambled, me smiling sadly. "Seems like all we do is make each other confused." I said somberly, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I really love you, you know?" Luke asked quietly, me making a hmm sound in reply. I noticed the sun going down, and leaned my head on Luke's chest so I could really look at it. When I looked back up at Luke, he was already looking at me. "Did you even watch the sunset?" I asked goofily, him shaking his head. "I watched something prettier." He replied, me rolling my eyes.

"I missed you." I said, and leaned up to kiss Luke.

would ya look at that

1042 words and yet none of them made this chapter any better
kuke might have sex next chapter so be warned for any innocent readers
ALSO I NOTICED THAT SOme parts of my story have 16 reads and some parts have 4 reads?? like where's the consistency man
anyways love you guys

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