"You always want to be salty."

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ew i read all my previous parts why am i like this i spelled like three words wrong and this book is such a cliche i hate myself anyways


After that whole, car thing with everyone, we all walked back into the apartment, noticing some more people here. Immediately, I spotted Luke around an all too familiar body. "Vivianne. Nice to see you again." I said bitterly through gritted teeth, and she turned her head around to see me. "Oh. Hey, Kylie." She said and went back to being around Luke.

I pulled Emma aside, and whispered angrily. "Who invited Vivianne? And you know if that thing is here, Nova is here too. Better watch after Calum." Emma shrugged, and looked around. "I don't see Nova. Maybe Opal invited her? They do all live together." Emma suggested, picking up our dog Pants. "Still. Opal knows how I feel about Vivianne.".

We both turned to the mirror we have in the hallway we were in. "Ki, I love you, but we need to get you looking alive. Literally." Emma said, and dragged me to my room. "Okay, so- your ex boyfriend and his ex are here and are being very touchy-feely. We both know Luke is a dick and would probably go back to Vivianne because he's lonely or whatever, so we need you to show him what he's missing." Emma said, and started looking through my closet.

"That's kind of, I don't know, anti-feminist, don't you think?" I asked, and Emma looked at me. "Sort of, but not in the way you might think it is. Yes, it is vaguely sexist that I'm dressing you up to impress a man, but it cancels out because I'm doing it to help you feel good. I think. I don't know, I failed Maps." Emma said, and turned back to my closet. "What does Maps have to do with anything?" I raised my eyebrows at her, and she shrugged again.

"Okay! Here's some of your expensive Walmart stuff, put this on." Emma pulled out some stuff that was not from Walmart, and I reminded her of that, to which she shrugged me off again. "You're going to break your shoulders. Now leave, I need to change." With that, Emma left and closed my door. I looked down to see what she picked, and saw some things that I forgot I had.

I see some skinny jeans, some high-waisted shorts, and some mom jeans. I go with the skinny jeans.

I see a weird-crossy shirt with roses on both boobs, a graphic tee, and a maroon tank top. I go with the weird nipple-flower thing.

I look over myself in the mirror, sighing.

This isn't me.

As much as I love looking nice, this isn't me. I'm not one to wear fancy clothes like this at home. And besides, if I'm doing this to make Luke jealous, He should at least know the real me. (THIS IS THE REAL THIS IS THE ME) I take the top off, and put the tee shirt on. I keep the skinny jeans on, and swap out my old-man socks for fluffy ones. I put a brush through my hair, and manage to make it look alive. Not like, full of bugs alive, but- you get it.

I step out, finding Emma sitting on her bed across the hall from my room, looking worried. "Okay wow, I hate you." Emma said, and I smiled at her. "The feeling's mutual. What's wrong?" I asked, and she looked at me. "Nova's coming." She said, and I got up to look into the hallway. I saw Calum and tried to discreetly wave him over, and went back to Emma.

"Well, what do you want to do about that?" I asked, and she threw herself back on her bed dramatically. "I mean, I trust Calum and all, it's her I don't trust. And what if Nova's prettier than I am? Which, sure, isn't a high bar, but still. I hear she has really good eyebrows. Like, your level eyebrows." Emma whined, looking at my eyebrows.

"Yeah but, if Calum broke up with Nova because he met you, doesn't that mean he knows all this and still thinks you're better?" I attempted to make her feel better, laying down with the distressed girl. "And that's another thing! I didn't know he and Nova were dating when I met him, and I feel like a home wrecker or something now that I'm with him. It's like I ruined Nova's love life. If I were her, I'd hate me." Emma sighed, picking at the bottoms of her shirt.

"Well, its too late now. If you want the truth, yes, you did steal Calum from Nova, and yes, I'm sure she does hate you. But that's okay. Emma, you're not going to be able to do things right all the time. And not everybody's going to like you. Cosmo here happens to fall into both those categories. You just gotta ignore her." I said, and she laughed. "Her name is Nova, not Cosmo, silly. Anyways." Emma sat up, her black hair following behind her. "Thank you. I needed some honesty." She said, and hugged me.

I hugged her back, and she pulled away. "How are you so wise? We're only a year apart. And, how are you so much better at this whole comforting thing than me?" Emma asked, and I shrugged. "Remember that time I watched American Horror Story? Really messed me up." I said, and walked out of Emma's room. I saw Calum leaning on the wall, and patted him on the shoulder as I walked into the actual living space of my apartment.

I saw Vivianne separate from Luke, Luke standing near the door. I looked over my friends, excluding Vivianne, and my eyes landed on her anyways. She narrowed her eyes at me, and I did that really snobby-finger-wave at her, the good kind like Emma taught me. "Don't do it too enthusiastically, or else they'll think you're trying to be nice not salty. You always want to be salty." She said, and to this day I live by those words.

I walked relatively close to Luke, and sat near Ashton. "Hey, you smell good." Ashton said, and I was taken aback. "Thanks, I think." I said, and looked up to see Luke staring at us. I suddenly remember that we brought tacos, and went to get some, sadly passing by Vivianne as I did so.

"Oh, it's you." She said, and I scoffed. "Uh, yeah. I live here." I said nonchalantly, and reached for a taco. I was about to unwrap it when Luke came up. "Ki, can I talk to you again?" He asked, and I shrugged, putting my taco down.

"Better company than this, I guess."

because im fucking shakespeare i put "taken aback" leave me alone

this book has such a high number of reads and it's really confusing because it's not even good

but yeah i might update again later tonight so


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