It runs in the family

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LaGravis's eye shot open as he woke early in the morning. He turned ever so slowly and let the sun's rays of light caress his face. He groaned loudly and got back in his comfortable position but this time he realised Longtooth was snuggled up next to him snoring softly. LaGravis had to chuckle at that but he thought for a moment. Why does Longtooth look like a child when he sleeps. 'He's too innocent' LaGravis mumbled to himself as he wrapped his long arms around Longtooth. To be honest he couldn't remember what happened last night. It was all a blur...a foggy, blurry, un-rememberable blur. How could he forget that easily? LaGravis really couldn't forgot anything even if he wanted too. That's when it his him...right smack in the face. LaGravis eyes widened.


LaGravis's face turned a deep shade of red.

"Baby, please..." 

LaGravis jaw dropped entirely.


LaGravis cove his face with his hands. LaGravis remembered what happened last night and boy he was he embarrassed. He remembered Longtooth screaming his name. He remembered how he begged for Longtooth to stop teasing him. They had...

"Nope. Nope. Nope." LaGravis kept repeating to himself as he buried his face in Longtooth's chest.

"So, your awake too?"

LaGravis's head shot up and saw the smug look of Longtooth, grinning as usual. 

"Y-yeah." LaGravis whispered.

"I had fun last night~" Longtooth said planting a kiss on LaGravis's forehead. LaGravis's face couldn't be a darker shade of red than right now. That's when LaGravis's cheeks began to feel cold.

"Your face is blue. Literally." Longtooth said wide-eyed at LaGravis's "color-changing" cheeks. 

"This happens when I'm embarrassed. face turns blue." LaGravis explained as quietly as possible but Longtooth had incredible hearing so...

"Your so cute you know that?" Longtooth said bringing LaGravis up to his level. Before LaGravis could answer Longtooth had his lips on LaGravis's lips. 

"I love you.." LaGravis said smiling.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T FOUND HIM?!" Cortang yelled at his guards. "HOW COULD YOU LET CROMINOUS ESCAPE THAT EASILY?!" Two of the crocodile guards backed up real slow.

"He must have found another-" the second in command of the crocodile army stopped right in the middle of his sentence. Crominous's sister Cilo had her thumbs so close the the commanders eyes that in seconds tears were streaming down his face.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Hear. It." Cilo said violently as she dug her thumbs into the old commanders eyes. He screamed of coarse but what made the situation worse was that she swirled her thumbs around and dug them deeper into his head. The other crocodile guards could only watch in horror as blood spewed out onto the marble floor. The young crocs dared not to say a word...nothing and no one was scarier than the leaders of chima...

Cilo was horrifying...and she was only a princess.

"Father! Let ME look for Crominous! Only I know where he would go and what he'd be doing!" Cilo announced as she ripped her thumbs out of the crocodile's eyes and leet him fall on the floor.

"I don't have a choice do i?" Cortang tirelessly.

"Thank you daddy!" Cilo said cheerfully as she gave her father a kiss on the cheek.

"Just find him before he finds LaGravis..."

"Will do..." Cilo said determinedly as she walk out of the throne room with her deadly presence following her.

"Why does my brother have to love a monster.." Cilo groaned irritatingly.

I'm happy because of you...|LaGravis x Longtooth story| fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now