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"Give us all you got!" Leonidas yelled as he charged at LaGravis and Longtooth with Lennox close behind. The two lions behind the couple were charging as well.

"Get ready... and don't get killed" LaGravis said sternly.

"Same to you." Longtooth said before everyone was in pure battle. A horrendous collision coarse about to begin.


"Crominous...that is your son?" Leo the lion king said as he turned his attention to the crocodile king.

"Yes, he is under the same conditions as your son and I believe they would make a very interesting pair together." Cortang the crocodile king replied.

"My son is in no need of feeling affectionate emotions. Battle and authority is all he is needed to master." 

"Crominous and LaGravis won't be like that!" Cortang chuckled. "They would be like partners or..maybe they could be the ultimate rulers of chima." 

Leo thought for a moment. All he wanted is for everyone to know that lions are the monsters of chima.

"How tough is you son?" Leo said not changing his expression.

"About as tough as yours. He's a little, how do I put this..mischievous though." Cortang said crossing his arms.

"Perfect..." Leo smirked as he left the room to tell his son the good news.

Back in the forest...

"Longtooth you tired!?" LaGravis shouted colliding his swords with Leonidas. They were in the middle of fighting off in a heated battle.

"Not in your wildest dreams!" Longtooth cheered as he kicked Lennox in the stomach.

The back up lions have BEEN past out hours ago. Hours the four have been fighting and LaGravis is the only one that hasn't broken a sweat.

"If you want to take a break you can, I can finish them off my self." LaGravis said not even looking at Leonidas but still blocking his attacks.

"And let you have all the fun? No way!" Longtooth said as he did a front flip right over Lennox and punched him straight in the face, knocking him unconscious. LaGravis smirked a sinister grin as turned his attention back to Leonidas. 

"Well! Looks like only one stands~" LaGravis sang creepily as he walked over to Leonidas like a wild animal about to kill its prey.

"S-stay back!" Leonidas said backing up into a tree.

"That's enough LaGravis, the poor guys gonna wet his pants." Longtooth said pointing at Leonidas with his sword.

LaGravis ignored Longtooth's "suggestion" and licked his lips hungrily. LaGravis wasn't one to let his prey go. That would out of his nature.

"LaGravis." Longtooth said walking over to him. "LaGravis stop this!" Longtooth said more seriously as he walked closer to LaGravis. That's when the most hostile feeling he's ever felt in his life bombed his senses out of nowhere.

"LAGRAVIS STOP!" Longtooth yelled trying to see who exactly he was talking to.

"Please don't kill me..." Leonidas pleaded as both his daggers felt right out his hands.

"Time to die..." LaGravis growled as he lunged towards Leonidas stopping an inch away from him.

"LaGravis!!!" Longtooth exclaimed as he grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. "What are you-" but Longtooth was cut short when LaGravis hit him in the face with his fist alone, knocking Longtooth on his feet.

"Where was I?..." LaGravis said piercing Leonidas's soul with his crimson red eyes.

LaGravis once again lunged towards left but this time...not stopping. 

"LAGRAVIS NO-" Longtooth didn't have to finish. LaGravis had BITTEN Leonidas neck. Anyone and anything could hear the snap from Leonidas's neck.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" Longtooth said rushing over to the two lions and watching Leonidas's body fall limp on the ground. LaGravis turned to face Longtooth as blood dripped from his teeth. "WHY. DID. YOU. DO. THAT!!!" Longtooth screamed slapping LaGravis straight across the face.

"Why are you smiling?" Longtooth said on the verge of tears.

LaGravis lifted his head up.

"I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T WANT TO! I COULDN'T CONTROL IT!!" LaGravis screamed dropping on his knees holding his hands on his head his claws digging into his scalp. He was saying sorry over and over that he was sorry. 

Longtooth bent down and put his hand on LaGravis's shoulder by forcefully lifting him up. "I know you are..." Longtooth said sadly as he hugged LaGravis tightly. LaGravis still cried his eyes out but knowing the most forgiving man on the planet still cared about him was a blessing. Longtooth smiled at LaGravis and kissed his cheeks warmly and than a small peck on the lips. 

LaGravis couldn't help but smile too bit when LaGravis did looked dorky, cute in Longtooth's opinion, but still dorky.

That's when slow ominous clapping came from the darkness. It sounded like it was getting closer...

I'm happy because of you...|LaGravis x Longtooth story| fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now