It was an accident...

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"Here we are!" Longtooth announced as he and LaGravis stood in front of a huge bar. 

"This place looks stupid..." LaGravis said bluntly.

"Trust me it was worth the drive."

"The drive that lasted two minutes?" LaGravis chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go in!"Longtooth said grabbing LaGravis by the hand and nearly dragging him inside. That's when LaGravis felt his hand..a sting that randomly came and left seconds after. 'What was that?' LaGravis thought.

"Look who it is! Prince of lions! Master of battle, Son of Leo!" One of the wasted lion guards announced.

"Shouldn't you be training with your papa?" Another called out.

"Yeah, shouldn't you be with him? Or are tired of him babysitting ya? Haha!" The tallest lion guard said while others behind did a couple 'ohhh!'s and 'burn!'s.

"This place is crap." LaGravis said giving the tallest lion a deadly glare.

"Oh, trust me! He'd be on his knees asking for forgiveness if knew who he was talking to." Longtooth said pulling LaGravis to an empty table.

"True." LaGravis said rolling his eyes accompanied by a sarcastic tone.

"Here I'll choose a drink for you." Longtooth said walking over to the bartender.

"You just hold ya head and stay here. I'll be back in a gif!" And with that Longtooth was gone and LaGravis was left alone with the disgusted glares of the other lions to keep him company.

LaGravis tried to relax his muscles but being in training all his life made quite the cautious man. LaGravis mentally counted how many outcomes there possibly are for any of lions behind him to attack. 


Three minutes of waiting and LaGravis was getting bored. He folded and re-folded the napkin in front of him a hundred times. LaGravis was about to look for Longtooth when...

"Hey, war machine." The tallest lion said walking over to LaGravis clumsily.

"What." LaGravis said in his usual emotionless tone.

"That your boyfriend over there or something?"

LaGravis eyes grew wide as his face shaded light red. "I-I'm sorry. Repeat that." LaGravis said getting up from his seat.

"I SAID you dating that kitten or what." The lion said more aggressively. 

"I don't have to answer to the likes of you..." as LaGravis's expression turned deadly as his lion eyes became hungry for the lions screams.

The lion guard grabbed LaGravis shirt and pulled him close. "Well, your daddy's not here to protect you so..." the tall lion said before...

"LAGRAVIS!" Longtooth yelled as he threw a hard blow against the lion's jaw making everyone stop their actions.

LaGravis turned to Longtooth wide eyed. "Why did you do that."

" were in trouble...I"

"Why. Did. You. Do. That." LaGravis said approaching Longtooth intimidatingly.

"You were in trouble." Longtooth mumbled.

LaGravis swiftly grabbed Longtooth by the neck and held him up high. Many other lions backed up. They knew the tallest lion made a huge mistake.

"I didn't hear you." 

"YOU WERE IN TROUBLE AND I CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU BECAUSE I'M NOT JUST GUARD I'M YOU FRIEND!" Longtooth shouted using his hands to try to remove LaGravis's one hand around his neck.

LaGravis dropped Longtooth and just stared at him. Longtooth stared back but he noticed something in LaGravis's eyes. There was sadness and guilt but also surprise.

"I'm sorry.." LaGravis mumbled sadly.

" was an accident." Longtooth chuckled getting up. 

"Soooooo, he is your boyfriend." The tallest lion said wiping blood of his chin.

That's when LaGravis swiftly grabbed the lion by the neck and easily lifted him up in the air and slammed his head down on the floor repeatedly.

LaGravis than brought the lion up to his face. Only about eight inches apart and said...

"You must really want me to send you to treason you little piece of crap. You have no idea what I could do to you right now...I could snap your neck and rip off your head and leave it in front of your family's house so they will see your mortified face and what a little annoyance you were and feed the rest of your body to the creatures in the outlands and I will be laughing because your death would do the world a huge favor."

The lion was quivering in LaGravis's grasp as LaGravis spoke he was as well staring into his soul. "Pl-please forgive me...your majesty." The lion said holding his hands in the air. 

"That's what I thought." LaGravis said dropping the lion and grabbing Longtooth's hand.

"Let's go." LaGravis commanded as Longtooth was the one now being dragged.

"Oh, and one more thing." LaGravis said turning around to the crowd of lions. Most of them gasped at what they saw. LaGravis's eyes were blank and blood red. His skin looked pale and a twisted grin was on his face.

"If any of you worthless piles of meat EVER touch Longtooth I will find you and rip every rib in your body out ONE BY ONE." 

One of lions made a little shriek and backed up.

"Have a good day gentlemen." And with that LaGravis and Longtooth left. When they got outside Longtooth ripped his hand away.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Longtooth nearly yelled.

"I was protecting my new friend." LaGravis said smiling.

Longtooth was speechless...

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