A croc is ferocious...

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Cilo wandered near the gorge of eternal depth. Where as she expected, her brother Crominous was standing. 

"If you stand to close on the edge you'll fall.." Cilo said standing next to her brother.

"He'll be here." Crominous blurted out.

"Like LaGravis is going to come here." Cilo wasn't convinced that LaGravis would ever have a reason to come here. 

"Leo told my father that one of his own lion guards has taken LaGravis away." Crominous said darkly. "And nobody knows LaGravis better than Leo. So, he told the seven other tribes that if they want to give catching LaGravis a shot. They would have to be here, at this time, at this day." Crominous explained not taking his eyes off of the depths of the gorge. He didn't even blink. Cilo just sighed heavily and patted Crominous's back.

"Your an idiot...you know lions are the strongest." Cilo she'd her head disappointingly.

"I know." 


"Where are we going?" Longtooth said struggling to keep up with LaGravis. 

"I want to show you something." LaGravis shouted walking even faster.

"Can you just tell me?!" Longtooth yelled jumping over a few logs. 

"Nope." LaGravis said bluntly as he continued to expertly move up, under, and around all obstacles in his way. 

'This man's too flexible for his own good.' Longtooth said taking a few glances at LaGravis's long spider like legs. 

"You have long legs." Longtooth said jokingly as he managed to catch up to LaGravis. 

"And you sir, Have so much fur on your body I thought you were a cub!" LaGravis laughed as he slid down a steep hill.

"Your SO mean!!" Longtooth said waved his hand around as he pretended to look hurt.

The two continued to navigate through the trees and vines until they got to the place LaGravis intended...the gorge of eternal depth.

"THIS is where you wanted to take me?" Longtooth said backing up a bit.

"Yeah! Isn't it cool?!" LaGravis said with almost child like excitement.

"It's something..." Longtooth whispered.

The couple continued to walk towards the gorge until they were only a foot away from it.

"Do you know how many people fell or got pushed down there?" Longtooth said pointing down the dark abyss. "The fall is so long and so deadly, it's said that you'd throw up everything in your system before the ground breaks your body from your terrifying, morbid, scream-filled fall." LaGravis was doing his best to scare the living crap out of Longtooth. It worked perfectly. Longtooth scooted back at least six feet. LaGravis could only chuckle. He had heard the story a million times, it's a fact that your death would be painful.

"Why do you like this place!?" Longtooth said moving his shoulders uncomfortably. "It's giving me the chills." Longtooth's backed up even more. 

"C'mon we're not going to jump!" After he said that LaGravis smirked devilishly. "We might be thrown in..." LaGravis creepily walked over to Longtooth and brushed his fingers over Longtooth's skin. LaGravis than laughed darkly as he circled Longtooth like a vulture going for its prey.

"YOU. NEED. TO. STOP. BEING. CREEPY." Longtooth said wide-eyed at LaGravis's sudden weirdness.

"Never...muhahahahahah...." LaGravis wrapped his arms around Longtooth and nuzzled his face in the crook of Longtooth's neck. Longtooth couldn't help but chuckle.

"Your so weird." 

"I know."

After two minutes of taking in the nostalgic scenery Longtooth agreed to move closer to the gorge when...

"I knew Leo had guards as tough as pillows but I never thought they were gay.." a sarcastic voice chimed in.

LaGravis's happy expression disappeared and turned into a face of deadlines. He turned his gave to a muscular feminine crocodile wearing red armor.

"Hey." She waved calmly.

She definitely had Longtooth and LaGravis's attention.

"Who are you?" Longtooth said not hesitating to take out his weapon.

"I'm Cilo, princess of the crocodile tribe or something...and I'm here to capture you or whatever." Cilo said really bored like and took out blood red daggers that illuminated her dull expression.

"Don't underestimate her. She is powerful and cunning. She has a personality disorder like me. But, there is a dangerous amount of violence in all three of her personalities." LaGravis whispered.

"Noted..wait she has three?" Longtooth said said not taking his eyes off of Cilo.

"I have two, she has three. All dangerous like mine." LaGravis said taking out only one of his swords.

"Are we going to fight or what? Iran you can always surrender..."

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