How time has passed..

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It has been 107 days since Leo's visit. LaGravis and Longtooth now talk about their future wedding more and Lavertus has healed completely. For, LaGravis's own safety he must stay in the gorge while Lavertus and Longtooth take shifts getting supplies. Of course LaGravis didn't like the fact he was now unable to do the things he used to and as LaGravis's brother, Lavertus made it his top priority to cheer him up. Everyday, Lavertus would collect flowers and get LaGravis candy when he could. Lavertus would console him and hug him when he knew LaGravis needed it. LaGravis appreciated Lavertus's efforts to cheer him up, he really did but he worried about Longtooth. He began to get obsessive and more 'animal' like ever since Longtooth could see that the baby was certainly growing. Once, Lavertus couldn't even get three feet close to LaGravis because Longtooth was protecting him like LaGravis is gold or something. Today, was the second to last day the baby would be born. Longtooth wouldn't look away from LaGravis for a second...not even to blink.

"Hey, babe" LaGravis said beginning to feel drained from carrying a baby around for longer than two months.

"IS THE BABY COMING?! ARE YOU HURT?! DO YOU NEED ANYTHING!?!!??" Longtooth said with too much anxiety in his voice. LaGravis couldn't help but laugh at his fiancee's worry.

"I was GOING to ask if you were okay with naming the kid Laval." LaGravis said calmly. He didn't even notice that Longtooth was holding his shoulders slightly squishing them.

"OF COURSE I'M OKAY WITH THAT!" Longtooth said with a goofy smile.

"Are you okay?" LaGravis raised an eyebrow actually really concerned with Longtooth's mental state.

"I COULDN'T BE BETTER LOVELY! DON'T YOU WORRY, JUST RELAX AND TELL ME IF ANYTHING IS WRONG." Longtooth put his hands on his hips and his goofy smile was starting to look less goofy and more startling. 

"Do you remember our 'baby shower' we had a few days ago." LaGravis said using air quotes at 'baby shower'. 

"Oh yeah, you had the worst mood swing EVER! Hahaha, you were all mad because I wouldn't tell you the surprise." Longtooth said trying to hold in his giggles.

"Yeah...I really like those gifts you got for Laval." LaGravis said smiling a bit.

"Yeah..." Longtooth sat next to LaGravis by the tree. Making sure LaGravis didn't see Lia'mere's body. 

"Longtooth, are you...afraid? When this baby is born I mean." LaGravis asked nervously.

"A about you?" 

"Well I'm...I'm" LaGravis paused as he held his stomach and groaned a bit.

"LaGravis!" Longtooth yelled as he caught LaGravis before he fell on his side.

"LOVELY! LOVELY WHAT'S WRONG?!" Longtooth asked with much fear in his eyes.

"Gah! IT HURTS SO MUCH! AHHH" LaGravis screamed in pain as held his stomach trying to ease the pain.


"YES! OF COURSE ITS THE BABY YOU DUMB SNOT!!!!" LaGravis screamed as he yanked on Longtooth's hair.

"Okay then..."

I'm happy because of you...|LaGravis x Longtooth story| fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now