why did your demon have to become my monster? (_land_of_the_band) wk 1

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why did your demon have to become my monster?

You weren't always that way. Although we would play fight I never saw malice in your actions. But one day you went from being my savior to the one who damned me. I have so many questions for you, but at this point im too afraid to ask. Should i have seen a red flag before our lives intertwined? Did you know your demons were taking over? Was it I who brought them out? Because I do blame myself for your actions. The way you would hurt me. And the fact I saw no remorse. You say you blame my emotions for the way you treated me, and the fact I couldn't control them. But was that really the problem? I will never apologize for what you did to me. I shouldn't have to. I'll admit I do appreciate your apology for the monster you unleashed on me. But i haven't found peace, I can't find peace. After the day you stole the air from my lungs, you have made my recovery so much harder than it ever had to be. And did you mean the hate you spewed in belittling my progress? In belittling me as a person? And lastly, do you even know you're wrong? I have so much regret towards you. But the moments before your demons became my monster, i would redo those months in a heartbeat. I grieve the man you were before every day, but i have to move on. Theres no other way.

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