legacy (Bill Temple)

30 11 9

the lock echoed

through the empty room

ghostly specks

like silver spoons

sparkled in the light


hinges squeaked

as the door closed

eyes adjusted

memories rose

a saddened delight


he walked past

the barstools still

faded names

engraved with skill

ghosts of the past


the walls adorned

photos faded

written words

now grown shaded

still steadfast


above the stage

a painting hung

'our founder' captioned

a man unsung

whose vision came alive


and though he passed

many years ago

the legacy carried

continued to grow

and his vision survived


but time flew by

and times changed


got rearranged

and people moved on


one by one

empty chairs

the stage grew silent

no one shared

in time, all were gone


memories wilted

behind closed doors

echoes silenced

'till no more

only darkness remained


yet sometimes still

so legends say

ghostly poets

haunt to this day

for the doors to open again


he stepped upon

the stage's wooden floor

flicked a switch

and light once more

haloed the microphone


with somber steps

and teary eyes

he stepped to the mic

and with deep sigh, said

"Grandfather. I've come home."


"Been many years

that I have roamed

the endless highway

my only home

but my promise, remembered still"


"Though worthy not

I felt I was

to continue your legacy

simply because

you left it in your will."


"So travel far

for many years

I felt elation

cried rivers of tears

all emotions came my way."


"I sought the truth

inspiration found

discovered the words

foundation sound

so here I stand today."


"A promise made

shall come true

I will succeed

I promise you

the Pub will live again."


"No egos allowed

no religion or race

no colour, no genders

no difference in face

just a room of friends."


"And those before

shall live on

memories secured

in Poem or song

their voices will be loud."


"and generation next

their words will flow

one by one

they will show

Grandfather, I will make you proud"


he looked up

to the painting above

"From my heart

with all my love

this, I assure you."


in silence he stood

for a minute or so

then off the stage

he did go

to the front door, painted blue


one by one

the switches, on

the room glowed with life

the darkness gone

once again the poet's hub


he unlocked the door

to the window glanced

hit one last switch

a sign enhanced

'Welcome to the Poets Pub'

Heart to HeartWhere stories live. Discover now