What is love? (johannahefer) wk 4

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What is love?

(I wrote this poem for the 'One love Manchester')

Thou shalt not kill

Have you never heard?

Was your mind blurred?

Were you never taught?

Was it an action without thought?

Salman Abedi did you ever stop to think,

what would happen to the families of the twenty-two killed?

Did you ever ponder the terrible turmoil and grief you'll leave behind?

A child's eyes, a husband's touch, a mother's love, now just a memory in the mind.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 

Did you not love yourself?

Because if you did you wouldn't hurt someone else!

Beautiful Saffie Roussos only eight,

only knew of love, but you sealed her fate.

Alison Howe and Lisa Lees will never again their families comfort.

But what could we expect from a coward?

Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing.

What were you pursuing?

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. 

Yes, we could venge with hate,

but that would leave us at heaven's gate.

We choose to be good, we choose to be better.

And we'll never ever be bitter!

Why? Because...

Love bears all things.

Love believes all things

Love hopes all things

Love endures all things.

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