to be admired (theoldPoet) wk 2

45 18 10

more often than not

it's the son that idolizes the father

and most times, I wonder

why does he bother

because he challenges his every word

and that is how

it has always been

but lately it seems

that some hopes and dreams

have went a way, once unheard

for the pride I have

is in my son

and the man he has become

the things he's done

and those he has inspired

I don't show emotion

or say, enough, "I love you"

but if to myself, I was true

my son, I am so proud of you

you are one to be admired

A/N : My son is the founder of the Poets Pub and the family of sites that has grown from the Pub. He inspired me to write again after almost 50 years. I couldn't be prouder of him.

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