Fear of Clowns
I was walking on a boardwalk at the beach (but there was ocean on either side of the sand under the boardwalk), and I started approaching a clown who was entertaining a group of people. But, since I have a fear of clowns, I started to keep as far away from the clown as I could as I passed, but the clown saw me and grabbed my arm. He taunted me and I kept screaming at him to let me go. Eventually I broke free and sprinted towards a shop at the end of the boardwalk. I started walking through the aisles, but I realized he was chasing me, searching the aisles, so I ran to the back of the store and hid behind a couch. I looked up and his face peered over the top of the couch down at me. His face was extremely scary now, like in a horror film, and he told me that I "inspired" him to be scary.Fear of Trucks
I was outside in my yard at my childhood house, and I suddenly saw an enormous, evil-looking truck with teeth/horns sticking out of every side of the truck. It slowly grumbled towards me and I ran inside (or behind a tree I can't remember).Fear of Anthony Plumburg
I was at some park with my youth group and it was getting dark. We were on a walking road that I believe overlooked a big forest or lake or something. Suddenly our group member Anthony Plumburg started approaching me and, since I'm afraid of him, I started to walk away quickly, but he followed me, and I started running and he began chasing me.Another Anthony dream I had is when I was at youth group at Church and I was sitting behind a couch in a corner, drawing. I overheard someone convince Anthony to scare me for $100, so he came up and sat next to me, which cornered me. He started talking (I don't remember what he said) but I began breathing hard and I suddenly started fainting.
I was at a building surrounded by construction and old ruins, and we were pretty constricted by rules. I ran outside, realizing it was a dream and I started flying. I flew high and over a polluted lake, and around an old building. When I returned, people were mad at me for breaking the rules and they asked why I flew towards the old building. I answered that I liked ruins and old things like that.You Will be Safe
The oldest dream I can remember is when I was little and I was part of a tour group looking in a colosseum-like structure. There were two playground-like plastic tubes that we had to crawl through to get inside and out. When we went out, we had to go through a dirt tunnel, but there was a leg that was digging out of the wall, and everyone screamed and ran back into the colosseum. I had a blonde friend who I helped climb back through the tube. The cave-man-like-man eventually reached the colosseum structure and was running around screaming. Suddenly it turned blank and there were black and white lines with a white noise like on a tv and I heard "you will be safe" in a deep, calm voice. It then returned to the colosseum and I announced that the guy is okay. He was calm now, and I approached him, not afraid, saying that he is not bad. I felt that God had spoken to me.Attack of the Killer Rafflesias
This nightmare involved a plant that I'm afraid of. The Rafflesia is a carnivorous ground-dwelling flower. Much like the Venus-flytrap, this giant plant attracts and consumes other living things and supposedly smells like rotting meat.
Well, my brain took that as nightmare fuel and concocted a horrifying dream.
All I remember is that the world was being infested by these plants. They were everywhere and, much like in Little Shop of Horrors, were eating people. The clearest vision I saw was people just falling straight into the center of the flowers as if they accidentally stepped on an open man-hole. They fell in so fast with blood splashing out, it was awful.
Dream Journal
RandomZombie and alien invasions, animals and mermaids, strange and whimsical adventures, and references to pop-culture. Sometimes scary, sometimes enchanting, always intriguing, dive into the fantastical realm that is my dreams!