3-30-16 Mermaiding in my Yard

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Another mermaid dream! The world (or at least my yard) was covered in probably 12ft of crystal clear water. I could swim right up to the pole wires. The yard was still the same, grass, trees, house, just everything was covered in water. I climbed up the tree across the street (that isn't there anymore) and sat in a branch. A bluebird came by, flying like a hummingbird, and I put out my finger for it to land. It actually perched on my finger. I could feel it's little feet, it was so small. I think it started talking to me, but I forget what it said. Then, I told it to watch me, and I climbed down and swung from a branch, plunging into the pool and swimming in my tail. I did some flips and tail splashes for the bird.

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