12/27/18 Yellow Moon

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I was on a spaceship with what seemed like my high school classmates, though I didn't recognize anyone. We were heading to a moon very far from earth; a trip that would take 2 and a half days. The ship resembled a small house with one large, white, barely decorated living room. Our "toilet" was just a big sac on the floor that I dared not open.
After so long I was getting antsy and pacing the living room. I thought I'd go crazy until we finally landed.
We stepped out onto the yellowish-grey soil. The atmosphere was bright with a yellow sun burning on the horizon through a warm haze. There were small trees a couple yards away with green leaves and very little brush beneath. The first thing that caught my attention however were the animals. They looked like normal earth animals; birds and butterflies, but with different colors.
My class lined up military-style to listen to the directions of a teacher, but I headed straight towards the tree where the creatures were. The butterflies were bright yellow with black designs and the songbirds were yellow with green caps. They matched the yellow haze the sun and heat gave off, though the butterflies were brighter.
I watched them in awe as they fluttered overhead. I even reached out my hand to see if one would land on it. A bird flew down from the tree to perch on my finger. What I wasn't prepared for however was the bite. The bird almost immediately grabbed some skin on my finger, pinching it between its yellow beak. I thought it was going to tear it right off before I moved my hand to chase it away. I tried again with another bird and it did the same thing.
After so much of trial and error, I realized that these birds were trying to get a taste for meat, as if they were exploring us. I don't think they were purposefully carnivorous towards us, just that they were trying new things since we were strange to them. I don't remember much after that since I had some other dreams I can't quite remember as vividly.

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