5-14-16 Mermaiding at the Hilton's | Stranded Dolphin

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I was at the Hilton's (school family) for a party I guess, though it didn't look like their place. But they did have a large pond for free swimming. It was both dirty and clear at the same time. I could see everything in it, like large logs and sticks at the bottom-middle, and the whole layout of the lake. But it was still brown and you had to be careful. I brought my mermaid tail, but was not the only one, as there were like three other girls who were wearing tails. I began to swim and explore the area, careful to keep my tail in the water and not dragging on the floor. At one part of the pond, there was an opening to the ocean, but Mr. Hilton had a sign there to keep swimmers away. It was really cool to see the ocean right there, and boats often came in from the open to the shore on the right. I swam over to the stepladder in the pond to put on my new finger webs. It took a while, and they felt a little restraining. They also kept slipping up my fingers. I remember my coworker Scott was sitting on the edge, and I waved to him from under the water. There was also an area of the pond that had a stream underneath. A guy was working on it, and said it was acid. After the pond was closed due to the sun setting, I scanned my tail and noticed that it was very beat up. The tips were all scuffed and there were a few holes. I didn't join the party due to trying to sew it back up.

Another dream, I was walking to the car from work and found a stranded hourglass dolphin in the middle of the upper parking lot! Some people ahead of me were walking towards it, so I expected they would do something and watched. But they ignored it, and one person even stepped on it. I rushed to its aid and literally picked it up and ran to the nearest animal shelter (which was like an hour away?). I got there and handed in the (now it's a dove) animal and they said that it needed to be in the ocean. So we released it and watched as it enjoyed itself in the waves.

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