I keep having dreams so mixed up that it's hard to follow up on them, but I remember some of the highlights. The first one I remember is that I was in this small garden with some trees, a little table and chair, and plots where flowers would be, but everything was covered with snow. I was with someone, but can't remember who, who was sitting at the chair. I, of course, was up in a tree sitting on a branch when I saw a bird land on a branch above me. I was trying to figure out what kind of bird it was, as it was difficult to determine from the lighting. Then I noticed a larger bird behind it, with a glorious tail. They were peacocks! The first one was female and the second, a male. The tail of the male's was this stunning red and orange, with greens, yellows, purples, blues, practically any color you could think of speckled and highlighted along the feathers. The rest of him matched the snow: white. The female was white as well, with softer pastel colors on her backside.
My friend and I were just staring at them as they seemed to warily get closer, hopping down from branch to branch towards the ground. They watched us like we watched them, gradually walking closer on the ground. I waved at them, and the male waved back.
Another part I remember is that I was attending this Disney convention for all the actual characters. I was with Wendy and PeterPan, heading towards the entrance which was a long dirt path in between buildings. We passed Gaston who was following Belle trying to talk to her (I'm sure you can guess the subject), but Belle kept walking, wanting nothing to do with him. We passed some Alice in Wonderland creatures who were sitting in a sort of cubby in the wall. For some reason, I was anxious about something, that I was being followed or that something bad would happen.
There was another scene where Discord (from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) was jealous of somepony who had a crowd gathered around him, including Fluttershy, entertaining them or something. Discord slipped away in a bathroom and began disguising himself. He became 2 Discords, one of them female, who looked like rich and sassy characters all while mumbling to himself about that pony who impressed Fluttershy. I'm not sure what he was planning, but it was something about infiltrating a big party.
I don't remember much else after those.
Dream Journal
AcakZombie and alien invasions, animals and mermaids, strange and whimsical adventures, and references to pop-culture. Sometimes scary, sometimes enchanting, always intriguing, dive into the fantastical realm that is my dreams!