12/13/19 Garden Eels

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I was apparently underwater inside a dimly-lit museum of some kind. I was following the regular walking path while in my mermaid tail. It was a bit crowded, so I floated slowly as I meandered along the exhibits.
I came upon an exhibit to the left that was lit up by a few small spot lights, mimicking the rays of sun passing through open holes of a cavern ceiling. The whole left side was covered in waist-high sea grass and anemones. Peeking out from their tendrils hid hundreds of white garden eels with pink speckles. They would scope and then retreat down into the plants once someone got too close.
I stopped to watch them for a while, resisting the urge to swim over them. But apparently other people had the same idea. Spectators began pushing off the ground and swimming over the exhibit, some of then catching handfuls of the little eels. I felt sorry for the animals as I watched this.

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