5-7-15 Asian Invasion

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I was traveling with a large group of people in separate cars, and we came upon a long bridge over a larger river (like the Susquehanna). Everyone parked alongside the road and we began to take shovels/pick axes and jab at the bridge in means of destroying it (I'm not sure why, but it was something good that needed to be done?). We sang and dug with enthusiasm and managed to break through the middle, and the water was so high that swimmers in the water passed right through us, rejoicing at our actions. Then someone realized that hurting the bridge hurt the dam up ahead (somehow) and we all began to panic. Waves started to head towards us, and everyone swam to the road as fast as we could. I kept pulling Carmen's? (friend) hand to help her out, and we made it on the road.
The dam workers were after us. They brought helicopters and the chase was on. Our group ran down the road and entered what seemed to be an old army bedroom. It was very large with tons of beds and bunk beds, and sky lights that lit the auditorium-looking room. The entryway was wide open (no door, just a missing wall), and we all decided to hide in/under the beds as the helicopters gained on us. I hid under a bed, but was the first to be yanked out by an angry Asian man, yelling at our group (who were being yanked from their spots by his Asian accomplices) about how we thought we could hide from them.
Eventually the angry Asians had us all seated in what seemed to be the living room of the lodging house. They were giving us numbers and new names (I was Rachel Sarah Armstrong 😑). I was panicking on a couch and then Pete (my bf at the time) came, sat next to me, and put his arm on me. I cuddled up close to him and he yelled at our attackers in why what they are doing is wrong. I woke up thinking my pillow was Pete.

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