Me, my mom, and Rebekah (sister) were on a beach late at night. They were sitting on beach chairs against a cliff wall, and I was slowly combing the shore. The beach was small in width. There was a large wall of rock on the land side that stretched along the length of the shore, and the waves came pretty close when they reached the sand. It was very dark, and we could barely see with the lights of the distant city behind us. The water was cold on our feet, but I wanted to find something. I was looking for glowing plankton, or something bioluminescent. And almost immediately, I found a firefly squid. It washed up onto the shore and I picked it up. It fit perfectly in my hand and I showed it to mommy and Rebekah before putting it back in the water and taking a picture of it.
Then, there was a dark figure approaching us from ahead on the beach. It was walking towards us, tall, thin, and alien-looking. In fact, it was an alien. It was hard to understand its tongue, but I believe it was thanking us for "freeing" the squid, as if it was the creature's child.
Then, a multitude of aliens appeared, walking among the waves and inside the ocean. There were dim lights outlining their dark silhouettes as they returned to the depths. The alien on land stayed with us the longest until it stepped onto the water and followed its brethren.
The last thing I remember was an enormous blue whale rising from the depths, also outlined by a pale blue light. I could've swam right up to it if I wanted, as it was directly in front of us behind a dimly lit wall of water that slowly rose like a wave. The silhouetted whale lifted its snout to the surface to let out a puff of water (even though they don't have nostrils), and then slowly returned down to the sea.
Everything looked so realistic. Although it was dark, I could still see every detail. The bioluminescent squid was soft and a milky light blue, almost white. I could see its insides that glowed red. I could see the roughness of the alien's skin, dark brown, stretched and callous, and somewhat wrinkly. The waves had foam and sand in them that was cold and rough on my ankles. And the water was so real, the science and physics behind it almost perfect. And even when the whale surfaced its nose, I could see an ever so slight shine on its smooth skin from the dim lights of the distant city.
This dream was so mystical and bizarre, but so real at the same time.
Dream Journal
RandomZombie and alien invasions, animals and mermaids, strange and whimsical adventures, and references to pop-culture. Sometimes scary, sometimes enchanting, always intriguing, dive into the fantastical realm that is my dreams!