5-27-17 13 Year Prison

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I was inside a prison. I wasn't a prisoner myself, but I'm not sure why I was there. It was a really weird set up too. The actual prison was a big metal ship. Surrounding was a constant raging water. And then the whole layout was enclosed by a huge hollow skyscraper building in the city. It had large windows so we could see outside, but no one could see inside. It was nearly impossible to get to the windows due to the continuous waves. They were always enormous like tsunamis, and it wasn't safe to stay outside the ship for too long. But there was a balcony of sorts, where prisoners could come out and watch the tidal waves, even if it meant getting splashed or swept off. That was the front of the ship. Inside were the quarters, but I don't remember the layout.
There was also this weird ordeal about time. Every 13 years, the prisoners were aloud to complete a form to hand to the tester. The 13 years pertained to the level of the waves. On the 13th year, the waves are at their highest, meaning they have a chance of leaving the prison. But only if they pass the test. I don't know what was in the test, but everyone got a packet of papers to study on their first year. On the 13th year, they would print out a new packet of papers to hand to the tester. I'm not sure how they worked, because they never filled anything out on the printed ones. They were just meant to hand over so the tester could evaluate you and say whether you could leave or not.
The tester had a high seat at the back end of the ship, with a long line of prisoners waiting to be evaluated. The tester sat higher than the waves, but the line would get splashed. You only had one chance to print the packet on the 13th year, so it was a very nerve wrecking process. Prisoners would struggle to keep the papers dry and in order. The tester would evaluate the papers and give a verbal quiz. I think there was also a talent portion, where prisoners would display their best qualities and talents that would be useful in the real world. It was a stressful time, but each one was ready to leave.
I think I was visiting a friend of a friend. It was his 13th year and he was very nervous. We helped him get his papers and prayed with him. He passed the test because God had given him the words to say, and we began a worship session. Others joined as we sang songs of praise and a lot of us including me were crying in overwhelming emotion. Everyone was so moved by the power of God that the waves relaxed and my friend was able to open the building windows so outsiders could hear our worship. I don't remember much after that, but I know we were able to finally go outside.

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