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December 14. One week later

"Hurry up before you miss your competition" I yelled from downstairs. "Jade hurry up damn why you taking longer than me" I yelled again. I brushed off my simple red Lacoste polo with blue fitted jeans and my tan Air Force ones. My hair was bone straight with my black Lacoste cap. I had on I small gold chain and my gold Rolex and my gold wrist chain. To most you would think I was flexing but to me this is a simple fit, an everyday thing.

Finally Jade came down in his black trues with a white hoodie and his white air forces. "Jarius we waiting on you I said checking my phone for any notification. "I'm done" she said walking downstairs in her pink Nike tech suit with black timbs. "Finally" I groaned as we made our way to my Range Rover. I drove 10 minutes to the place the competition was being help at and ran Jarius inside to get ready with her team.

I met up with Jade and sat in the bleachers where the whole fam was at. "Hey baby" Gerald said once he spotted me. I blushed at him before greeting him back with a peck on his mouth. He pulled me making me sit next to him as hand stayed across my chest. "I missed you so much" he said whispered in my ear and he intertwine our fingers. After we talked about the whole disagreement we had he has been really clingy.

Most of the time I like it, I mean who doesn't like attention from the man they are feeling ? "First up is Jarius World Morgan with her floor exercise to Problem by Ariana Grande" the announcer called out. Jarius strutted out in her beautiful outfit and her hair and make up done so neatly. I watched her intensely as I say her do flips and other outstanding moves in the air, doesn't look like she messed up at all of her moves were done so gracefully.

At the end she help her pose as everyone clapped. "Jade you got the flowers?" I asked ask I ended the video on my phone. He look back at me so quick I thought he snapped his neck. "Lady how could I forget all you did was yell and stress about these damn flowers" he said back waving me off with his hands. This past week Jade has really opened up to us and showed he is suck a goofy person, all he does is joke around and mess with us. Can't lie and say it isn't fun, the 3 of us in one house is so fun.

"Boy don't make me snatch yo forehead" I said playfully as I pulled one of his dreads. He turn to me again " what you not finna do is pull my hair, you ever want me to touch your horse hair so don't touch mine " he shot back playfully. I straight face him "ion want you touch my gourde hair cause this isn't horse hair, my shit real" I said removing my hat and tugging on my hair showing him it was real.  "Your finally school is 8.9" i smiled big clapping.

I'm so proud of her so far she has the highest score. "Wassup best friend" I heard Darrel saw. I looked all the way down at the bleachers and saw Darrel with Rhiana,, Frankie with some girl. I got out of Gerald's grasp to go down and hug them. "Hey guys, I'm glad you made it" I smiled at them big. "I wouldn't miss my lil homes performance for anything" Darrel said pulling Rhiana in his lap. They aren't dating but they are getting serious. "Aw y'all cute. Should really thank me" I cooed cause them to laugh.

" anyways" frank dragged out "this my girl kodie, Jodie this my friend Sonseeray". I looked her over and she was pretty with her bone straight hair in a bob, she dressed extremely flashy with her 14 inch red bottoms and makeup. "Nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her hand. I spoke to them a little before Jarius came again for her balance beam.

I walked back next to Gerald and got lost in her angel like movement on the beams. "Damn she real good at this" Jade said lowly. I nodded with a smile before I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I look down and it was Marco.

"Yo" I answered on the second ring. I heard muffling and typing before he answer. "yeh wassup ray?" He asked with a deep voice. I chuckled "chillin. Why you hit my line?" I asked getting straight to the point. Him and I are not friends so he does not need to beat around the bush. "Igh, I ran them and I found out who placed that letter" he said. "Ighh tell me when I come threw later " i said watching Jarius finishing her dance on the beams.

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