Wands, Platforms, and Sorting Hats

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It took Silvia nearly an hour in Ollivander's to find the right wand. Every inch of the wand shop had been set ablaze or blown apart at one point by the time the right wand was found.
     "Aguamente," Mr. Ollivander muttered to a fire blossoming on his robes. "Well, not that one either, my dear." He reached carefully for Silvia's eighteenth wand. "This happens all the time," he said in an attempt of reassurance to a shaking Hope before turning down an endless aisle of wands.
     "Ah, this is it," he declared. "Nineteenth times the charm, Miss Lupin. Nine and a half, ebony with a unicorn hair core. If I'm correct, this hair was plucked from the same unicorn who gave up its hair for your brothers wand as well."
Silvia held the wand wearily, having learned her lesson from those who rejected her. It felt good in her hand. She waved it carefully. Swirls of golden light filled the room. It had accepted her.

"Alright, alright, everyone takes their turn. No pushing, no shoving. Do we understand?"
     "Good morning, Mr. Clydesdale," Lyall called to a man directing a large group of children.
"Ah," the man called around his throng of children. "Mr. Lupin, hello. I'd like you to meet my children." He motioned toward toward a taller group. "My daughter, Alana.I believe she works in the same department as you in the Ministry."
"Oh, yes, we've met. Good morning, Alana."
"Good morning, Lyall." The two shook hands.
Mr. Clydesdale stood awkwardly for a moment. "My son, Armin, is a recent Hogwarts graduate."
"Congratulations," Lyall muttered.
"My daughter, Andrea, a sixth year. Of course, you know Anastasia and the twins, Arlin and Alexi." He said as the twins ran through the wall of platform nine and three quarters.
     One by one, each member of the Clydesdale family ran through the brick column.
     "That man would not stop talking," Hope commented. Lyall laughed as the two of them made a running start together. They vanished just as the others had.
     It took a load of effort for Silvia to so much as push her cart.
     "Just start running. It'll get rolling," a voice said from behind her.
     "Thanks, Remus." She gave the cart a huge push and it began to move. Within seconds she was quickly trailing behind it, hurdling toward the bricks.
     She emerged on the other side dizzily. Remus almost ran into her as he appeared from the wall as well. Their luggage was loaded onto the train. Romulus screeched as his cage rattled off the cart. After quick and urgent hugs, the soon to be Hogwarts students loaded onto the Hogwarts Express.
     "There you are, Remus!" A voice called.
     "Oi, don't you remember us?" Another boy called. Remus spun around.
     "James! Sirius!" He called excitedly. "Silvia, look. These are my friends that I've been writing to you about. Where's Peter?"
     Peter appeared behind a mound of luggage. "Hello, Remus! I'm right here!" He chuckled nervously.
     Remus scoffed. "You put Peter on luggage duty? We did that last year." He hurried into the cabin. "I can take luggage this year. Peter, you can sit down."
     "Remus Lupin: the Saint," Sirius declared.
James went to close the cabin door.
"Wait!" Silvia called. "Can I sit with you?"
James laughed. "Cabin's full."
"B-but I have no where else to go."
"Find somewhere else, pipsqueak." He slammed the door in her face.
"Leaving in three minutes!" An older student called. "Do you need help finding a cabin?"
Silvia nodded cautiously.
"My name is Ina Abbot. I'm a Hufflepuff prefect. There's nothing to be afraid of, I assure you." She smiled. "That cabin right there needs one more person." She bent down and pointed to the end of the hall.
"Thank you." She grabbed her things and hurried to the cabin.
Inside were three young students. Relieved, Silvia knocked on the door.
"Come in!" A girl with red hair called.
She sat next to a tanned girl with brownish reddish hair and freckles. "Hello," Silvia said nervously.
"Hi," the girl with freckles replied. "I'm Sienna Rispoli."
"Sienna's a first year," the red haired girl said. "My name is Lily Evans. This is my friend, Severus Snape."
The boy stared out the window.
"Say hi, Sev," Lily nudged him.
He turned to Silvia. "Hello. You might be..?"
"Oh, um, my name is Silvia Lupin," she tried to sound excited, but the dark haired boy frightened her.
"I see," Severus turned back to the window.
Suddenly, Silvia remembered how she recognized the boy's name. "You know my brother, Remus! You two are friends." She smiled.
A darkness filled the room. Severus snapped his head toward the young girl. "No, am I not, and never will be, friends with Remus Lupin, or the posse run by James Potter, that your brother so desperately chooses to follow. I can only pretend to pray that someone and weak and innocent as yourself might not fall victim in the arms of James Potter or Sirius Black as your poor ignorant brother has. Yes, I know your brother, Remus, and I pity him."
The darkness cleared as Severus turned back to stare out the window. Silvia began to cry softly. She buried her face in her arms until the tears subsided.
After a long period of silence, Lily asked the two first years, "what house do you think you'll be sorted into."
"Well," Sienna said cautiously, "being that I am muggle born, I could easily be sorted into any house. I believe I fit the bill for any category. I suppose it's really up to the sorting hat. Ravenclaw would be a fun house to be in. Slytherin, too."
"Ooh, Sev's in Slytherin! Tell Sienna all about it," she said, nudging the boy again.
He turned once more, starring Sienna straight in the eyes. "Muggle borns are not popular in the Slytherin house, terribly sorry."
"Oh. I see." Sienna looked dejected.
"I s–" Silvia sputtered. Lily turned to listen. "I suppose I'll be in Gryffindor. My dad was a Gryffindor and so is my brother." She glanced cautiously at Severus. "I guess I must be, too."
"Pity," he muttered.
"Severus, please," Lily snapped. "Be nice to these two. They've done nothing but try their hardest to be friendly around you. Can't you just return the favor?"
"I cannot."
The rest of the ride consisted of Silvia, Sienna, and Lily trading and collecting chocolate frog cards.
"Ugh, another Helga Hufflepuff! Would someone trade me," Sienna begged.
"I'll give you a Merlin for that." Lily offered a card out.
     Suddenly, the train came to a screeching halt. Severus rose immediately to grab his trunk. The others followed him out of the cabin, excited for another year at Hogwarts.

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