The Heart of the School

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     The rest of the night was a blur of emotions.
     Silvia's heart pounded, lips pressed against another's lips on the dance floor. Suddenly, Sirius forcefully pulled away. She forced her eyes open to see Remus holding Sirius by the collar.
     She tried to yell out, but all she could do was make a soft squeaking noise and wave her hands frantically. Arms were around her waist. She struggled to try to pull herself free.
     "Silvia, its me, calm down." She heard Sienna's voice over her shoulder. "Let's go back to our dorms. The after party is starting soon."
     "Sirius... Remus..."
     "Remus is overreacting. I tried to cool him down. Sirius is going to be okay. I made James jump in to make sure no one gets hurt."
     "You're the best, Sienna." Silvia suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry for freaking out earlier over you and Remus."
      Sienna smirked. "It's okay. Remus did the same thing. It's a Lupin thing to feel really overprotective over people they care about."
"I suppose," Silvia admitted. Honestly, she feared any moment that Remus would loose his cool. One angry mishap could cost someone their lives.
Remus wouldn't kill Sirius, would he?
"Silvia, there's something I have to tell you," Sienna said abruptly.
Silvia turned to listen.
"Remus is my boyfriend."
She stared at Sienna. "Ha-ha. That's funny, Sienna."
"I'm not joking." Sienna was suddenly defensive. "We've been together for almost two weeks."
"And you didn't tell me this, why?" Silvia slowly began to believe her. There was a tinge of doubt in her voice.
"We both knew you'd react poorly if we told you."
Silvia sighed. "I just don't want him to hurt you." That was a lie. Silvia didn't want Sienna to hurt Remus. After watching her brother's lifelong struggle, she didn't want him to face a new problem at the hands of Sienna.
At this point, the girls were about ten feet from the school's atrium. They stared together at the center display: an ancient pedestal and glass case holding up the heart of the school, stolen from a dragon, with lights cast from above and below.
"It's beautiful," Sienna said in an attempt to change the awkward subject. She walked closer to it. Silvia followed.
"Yes, I suppose it is," Silvia agreed.
"I never realized how small a dragon's heart is." Sienna brushed a lock of auburn hair from her eyes. "It kind of makes you think. Humans and dragons aren't that much different after all, at least not on the inside. Beast or human, pure blood or muggle, we all have the same things inside of us."
Silvia stood next to her deep in thought. "I took a magical creatures class last year, Sienna. This heart doesn't look anything like a dragon's. It's too small."
"Perhaps it was a baby dragon," she offered.
"No, I mean, the shape of a dragon heart is much different. It even has a different color to it."
Sienna rolled her eyes. "Are you telling me that this isn't a dragon heart? The whole legend about Viktor Borislav's adventures with a dragon who gave his heart for the new school is just a ruse?"
"It is a legend, isn't it?" Silvia reminded her. "Legends aren't always true, you know."
"If it's not dragon, what is it?"
Silvia shrugged. "Anything, really. Human?"
Sienna scoffed. "Human? Silvia, you can't be serious."
"I believe her," a voice with a thick, Russian accent whispered through the shadows.
"Bloody hell," said Silvia. "Who's there?"
"I am called Warren. This is my school." The voice remained hidden.
"Show yourself!" Sienna cried.
"I cannot do that," Warren hissed. "You see, that is my heart."
"Merlin's beard!"
"Your silly little British interjection is the correct response. You see, my heart has been stolen by the school because I am a squib, a disgrace to my kind. I asked for an education. In response, they tore out my heart and fed it to their academy. All these years, they've been telling students here nothing but lies."
Sienna and Silvia looked at each other. Warren continued.
"Can I ask for a favor?"
Sienna quickly nodded, sympathetic to his story. "Of course."
"I need you to steal that heart," Warren said.
Without hesitation, Sienna yelled, "alohamora!"
     The glass door instantly opened. Sienna instinctively reached inside the case to take hold of the pulsating heart.
     "Yes," Warren growled, pleased.
     "How did you open that? It's magically sealed!" Silvia cried.
     "Sealed to pure bloods and half bloods," Warren explained. "Mud bloods like your friend here can control any situation in the entire school. Since they aren't allowed to attend, they won't be able to open the glass door and return what is rightfully mine. But now, they can.
     "Hold the heart out," Warren guided her. She held it out far in front of her, as if in a trance.
     Suddenly, a hand appeared from the darkness. Warren laughed with joyful menace as it snatched the heart away. Sienna screamed, suddenly aware of the situation.
     "You mud bloods are so easy to control!" Warren cried.
     "You tricked us!" Silvia screamed as a figure formed in front of her.
     "Finally, thanks to you, mud blood, I finally have the heart of Warren Von Strauss, darkest wizard in all of the Soviet Union!" The man stared into Sienna with his bloodshot red eyes.
     "What's going on?" Sienna asked, terrified.
     "You've just given me the heart of one of my secret weapons. For this, I will not kill you. However, mark my words, you will both be dead by the time I, Lord Voldemort, take over the wizarding world!" he laughed. Warren laughed along with him. "Be gone, mud blood scum!" Voldemort snapped his fingers and Sienna fell into a crumpled heap before he vanished into thin air.
     Silvia stooped beside her and began to pull her back to their common room. They had been fooled by Voldemort. Silvia swore under her breath. If he knew Hogwarts students were here, he new that Remus was here. She cried out as she slung Sienna's arms over her shoulders. She needed to tell Dumbledore immediately. If not, it would be the worst mistake she'd ever make.

Sienna was taken to Bearstrength's hospital wing. Silvia immediately informed Dumbledore on the previously occurring event. He nodded sadly and offered to walk Silvia back to the common room.
     "Professor," Silvia began wearily. "I'm worried about Sienna."
     "She will be alright," Dumbledore reassured her.
     "No, I meant, she was controlled so easily by You-Know-Who and Warren. I'm afraid maybe she's going to join them because of how easy it was to manipulate her."
     "Ah," Dumbledore said understandingly. "No matter what power you're under, it is your soul who truly decides if you are good or evil. A truly good person will do anything in their ability to fight off a dark spell. A wizard who is truly dark inside will embrace this spell to the point where it will be broken. So, Silvia, it is a conscious choice that your friend will make that will determine if she is good or bad. Everyone makes this choice at some point in their lives."
     Silvia nodded. "You decide who you want to be."
     Dumbledore smiled. "Exactly. Only you can determine your future."

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